Husband rapes, we don’t know this: Rohan used to get angry while having a relationship with pregnant Shalini, then Smita’s husband used to consider her a sex toy

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  • Rohan Used To Get Crazy While Having A Relationship With Pregnant Shalini, Then Smita’s Husband Used To Hurt Her As A Sex Toy

8 hours agoWriters: Anurag Anand

Every girl dreams since childhood that a prince will come in her life and keep her like a fairy. There will be only happiness in his life. Shalini of Gwalior, Smita of Bhopal and Nazia of Bihar had also dreamed of a life full of fairytale happiness after marriage. But they did not know that after marriage their life would be so boring and all their dreams would be shattered. The pain of breaking it will keep pricking them like a glass. These three are marital rape victims, who have shared their story with Bhaskar.

To understand the whole issue of marital rape, we talked to the experts. Explored the laws related to it in India and also tracked the hearing on marital rape in Delhi High Court. We are presenting all these things here, so that you can also understand that this is not a personal matter between husband and wife, it is rape.

Marital rape incident-1:

Rohan used to get crazy while having a relationship with pregnant Shalini

Shalini, a resident of Gwalior, had met her prince Rohan through social media. In a conversation of two-four weeks, both of them fell in love and got married in the Arya Samaj temple in 2019. After this, the meeting of husband and wife starts at an interval of some time. Shalini gets pregnant and Rohan does not want this child. Rohan’s mother wants to inherit the family, after which Rohan has to bow before his mother’s wishes. Then Shalini leaves and reaches her in-laws’ house. After this the painful story of marital rape begins. Rohan’s behavior with pregnant wife is not right. They get killed over the slightest thing. Even after refusing, the husband insists on having a physical relationship. While making a relationship, cruelty dominates so much that the husband forgets that there is a child in the womb.

The situation got worse after the birth of the son. Forced relationships increased. Physical torture started. During periods, Rohan forgets humanity and used to scold Shalini like an animal, abusing her for refusing and threatening divorce. When all this was happening, the child would have been crying in the same room. Seeing her crying, Rohan’s heart does not quiver. One day on the phone, Shalini told this to her mother. Mother also explained that all this is normal between husband and wife. Nothing wrong, don’t call it forced. When the series of beatings and forcible relations was out of tolerance, Shalini left her in-laws’ house and came to her mother’s house.

Till this time, Shalini did not know that after marriage the husband makes a forceful relationship, so it is called marital rape. Before this, she used to think that having a relationship with her husband against her will is the religion of the wife. Who cannot stand in the dock of justice.

Marital rape incident-2:

Husband used to make relationship by giving sleeping medicine

The story of Nazia, who was a victim of marital rape, is an inspiration to all those women who understand that life should be lived with the husband as he is. Nazia was 23 years old, studying mass media. Since then his parents started looking for the perfect match for marriage. Nazia’s marriage was fixed with the doctor boy. The boy’s father was a judge. After marriage, everything was fine for a couple of days. But gradually it was understood that more than a mother-in-law in the house, a working woman runs. The mother-in-law knows the reason but remains silent. When asked about this to the husband, at first he avoided it. Nazia soon understood that the men of the household had relations with the young lady. She refused to have a relationship with her husband. The result of the protest was that whenever the husband wanted to have a relationship, he used to give sleeping medicine mixed with milk to Nazia. This started happening to him every week. Many times sleep was lost, but the body did not have the strength to oppose the raping husband.

A few days later, Nazia became pregnant. The situation in the house did not change even after the birth of the child. After this, she came to her maternal home and remained in depression for a few days. His mother wanted Nazia to compromise and go back. But father and brother supported. Nazia filed for divorce. After running the case for a long time, the victory of Nazia happened. Now after completing her studies, Nazia has become a lecturer in the college.

Marital rape incident-3:

Husband used to give pain like animals even when Smita fell ill

Smita, a resident of Bhopal, says firmly in a very strong tone, ‘I have lost the case of marital rape against my husband in Civil Court Bhopal, but I have not lost courage yet.’ The challenger Smita shares her painful story with Bhaskar. She says that immediately after marriage, she was not at all in a condition to fulfill her husband’s sexual fantasy immediately. She told her husband to stay for a few days to have a relationship. But, hungry for sex for years, her husband lashed out at her like a drunken animal. He kept on hurting her body by mistaking it as a sex toy.

For Smita, this incident was like a painful accident. After that she was hospitalized for several days. Then the in-laws took Smita to her house after explaining her husband as a divine being. After recovering, Smita felt that everything would be fine. But this did not happen. One day when the husband tried to forcefully have a relationship, early in the morning Smita somehow escaped from her in-laws and reached her parents’ house.

Smita refuses to go back to her in-laws’ house. Then the husband filed a complaint in the police station, questioning Smita’s character. After this, when Smita reached the police station to file a case against her husband. There he came to know that the husband has got the right to coerce the wife from the constitution. However, she is fighting this battle and hopes that she will win in times to come.

Counselor: Marital rape victims are afraid to tell the truth

Preeti Singh, counselor of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), who lives in Gwalior, says that most of the cases that come to her organization are related to marital rape. Preeti says that women who are troubled by her husband’s coercion are afraid before speaking anything. Most of them feel that the husband has the right to rape. Recently, about Puja (name changed) who came for counseling, Preeti told that instead of speaking anything, she was just crying. When the victim’s mother started narrating the story, the counselor was shocked to hear.

Preeti says that women are treated as sex toys in the villages. If the court or the government declares marital rape illegal, then it will help the women who are suffering every day. She will believe that if the husband does wrong, it is possible to get him punished. There will also be fear among men that they will be punished for coercing their wife. In this way the injustice done to women will come down.

What does Indian law say about marital rape?

In the year 1736, British legal scholar Sir Matthew Hale told about marital rape that rape is impossible in married life. This is because after marriage the husband gets the freedom to have sex with the wife. On the basis of this, marital rape was not considered illegal even in UK law. The law of rape in India has also been taken from Britain. That is why even here marital rape is not considered illegal. However, later Britain has made marital rape a crime.

Talking about Indian law, section 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) has made rape a crime. According to section 375 exception (2) of IPC, if a man has physical relations with his wife, who is 15 years of age or above, it will not amount to rape, even if the man has coerced her to have sex with the wife. Ho.

In 2017, the country’s Supreme Court increased the age of the girl to 18 years. In 2015, the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) filed a petition in the Delhi High Court against this law, saying that this law gives the husband the right to torture the wife. In such a situation, marital rape should be declared illegal.

Marital rape is also a serious issue because while committing rape, an accused does it forcibly without the consent of the woman in front. Similarly, in the case of marital rape, even if he is not comfortable having sex, the husband forcibly has sex with the wife, which is wrong.

More than 29% of women in India are victims of sexual violence by their husbands

In India, if a husband rapes his wife, it is not considered a crime. According to the report of the National Family Health Survey, more than 29 percent of women in the country face physical violence from their husbands. In the rural areas of India, women have to face the injustice of their husbands. 32% in villages while 24% in cities are victims of marital rape. 77 countries around the world have laws to prevent marital rape. Let us tell you that seeing the UK, India made an exception to marital rape in section 375 of the IPC. That Britain has also now kept marital rape as a crime.

(Note: The names of all three marital rape victims have been changed in this story.)

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