How to Find a Job Amid Pandemic, a Guide for Freshers

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an influence on our lives that few of us have ever experienced. However, as we acclimate to this new way of life, we will face a variety of challenges. One such problem, in the new normal, is finding the right job opportunity.

Unemployment rates, on the other hand, have skyrocketed, meaning that many more individuals will be looking for jobs. However, at least for the time being, the manner job applications and on boarding procedures are handled may have changed slightly. Let’s take a look at some of the steps you might take to locate new work with that in mind. However, being flexible and adaptive is necessary to prepare for a career in this atmosphere.

An applicant should also be willing to learn new skills and keep an open mind. We mustn’t be too rigid in our thinking to not miss out on opportunities that may present themselves in the future. In this article, we will be discussing how you can prepare for your new job post-pandemic.

The Job Market Today: Finding the right opportunity in this constantly changing Indian job market is crucial for all job seekers. According to a renowned job portal report after COVID-19, India’s employment activity has finally recovered, which reveals that recruiting training increased by 89 per cent year over year in August 2021. Another victory for the labour market is that hiring activity in August of this year has increased by 24 per cent over pre-pandemic levels in August of last year. According to a recent Economic India report hiring activities across global in-house centers in India is expected to post 31% growth in 2022 as compared to 27 per cent growth in 2021.

Do your research: Check out individual company websites, blogs, and look at the industry public and news to keep yourself updated. You might gain insight into certain jobs or notice important patterns for specific firms. This form of research can assist you in learning more about the companies to which you are applying and impressing potential employers.

1. Update your CV:

Writing a resume is a skill and a crucial part of the application process. You’ll be better positioned to find work in the new normal if you renew it and make it as crisp as possible. You might need to customise your CV for each organisation you are applying to. Read the job description and highlight essential skills and experience. Make sure you weave these points into your document.

2. Rethink your Goal:

What do you intend to accomplish in your next role? It’s a common interview question, but it’s not always simple to respond to. Preparing for this question can help you at any step of the application process. Establishing your objectives might enable you in locating the employment roles that are most appropriate for you. It can also assist you in making long-term plans and ensure that you provide a considered response during the interview.

3. Account for new ways of working:

When you’re getting ready to start a new job, it’s critical to anticipate that things will be different. Even if the job is identical to the one you previously held, the epidemic has altered many facets of daily life.

Time to prepare for the new kind of application process:

1. Phone Interviews:

Phone interviews were quite prevalent before the pandemic, but they’ve recently become more popular. They’re a terrific way to save time during the interview process by filtering out applicants. They also allow you to determine whether a firm or career role is a good fit for you. If you’re not sure how to converse on the phone, now is the time to practise. You can ask a friend or family member to call you for a mock interview. You might even record yourself and listen back if you’re not convinced about how your answers sound.

2. Video Interviews:

Face-to-face interviews appear to be off the table for the time being. Even if it’s only remotely, it’s still crucial for applicants and interviewers to initiate the interview process. Many of us were able to stay in touch during the pandemic because of video conferencing applications like Zoom or Google Meet. Companies have used it to meet and plan interviews in the same way. It can be a more intimate encounter than a phone conversation, and it allows both sides to assess whether the position is an excellent fit for them.

3. Online Skillsets:

During the recruiting process, employers frequently administer skill tests. That can help to determine which candidates are a good fit for the job and the company’s ethos. It’s an opportunity for the candidates to demonstrate their abilities and knowledge. Companies are opting for online skill tests post-pandemic era, which come in various shapes and sizes, and they can test one or more locations.

What skills do candidates need?

Employers are constantly looking for the finest candidates to fill job vacancies. It’s a beautiful opportunity to brush up on some of the most in-demand talents, general or industry-specific.

1. Tech Skills:

Many companies are looking for individuals with digital abilities these days, given the prominence of online working. For some, this may imply only having rudimentary computer skills. Others might need a little more in-depth expertise. In any case, this is a great moment to work on these abilities. There are several courses available that focus on computer and IT skills. This Data Analytics for Decision Making course focuses on gathering and managing data using Excel.

2. Communication Skills:

Many firms are looking for individuals with digital abilities these days, given the prominence of online working. For some, this may imply only having rudimentary computer skills. Others might need a little more in-depth expertise. In any case, this is a great moment to work on these abilities. There are several courses available that focus on computer and IT skills. This Data Analytics for Decision Making course focuses on gathering and managing data using Excel.

3. Job-specific Skills:

You’ll almost certainly mention some job-specific talents that the position necessitates during your research. Most, if not all, of these items, should already be in your possession. If not, you should consider taking a course or obtaining a qualification to expand or refresh your expertise.


To meet the explosive growth in demand in many areas, such as technology due to the pandemic corporate recruiters are increasingly turning to new technology in court and hiring potential employees in an era of remote work and social distancing. Employers are looking for new ways to attract alumni talent. This has allowed us to work more closely with alumni employers to identify needs that can be effectively communicated to our alumni. While Microsoft will focus on technology-related jobs, it will also work to support broader skill development, including the insight needed to ensure the responsible use of technology and the interpersonal skills necessary to find and succeed in a new job.

Written by-

Ramani Ganesh, HR Head, Hirect

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