How to care for your hair and nails in winters – Times of India

Winter time is a celebration time. Needless to say, you need to look your best. As the ominous cold and dry winter winds ravage your skin, you must be ready with your army of moisturizers, cold creams and cleansing milk to retain the glow of your skin in winter. Here are some tips to retain that glow and shine.

·Oil massage or liberal application of moisturizer soon after bath is the best gift to the skin in cold and dry months. At home try pastes of turmeric, besan and fresh cream. OTC brands like L’Oreal body lotion, Efatop-PE lotion, Dermadew lotion, cutisoft lotion can all be used as moisturizers. Apply moisturizers that have a long stay life and are enriched with products like squalene, hyaluronic acid, essential fatty acids etc. During the day sunscreen with inbuilt moisturizers of SPF more than 25 is a must.

Start oral EPO ( Evening primrose oil) capsules 1000 mg 1 daily for the 3 months of wintertime. Alternatively, Imedeen tabs two daily for three months also help the dry skin.

Again, there are certain parts of the body that require special care during the winter months. These are your feet and hands. Especially the feet tend to crack and they are the most neglected areas, constantly exposed to dirt and dryness. Apply thick Vaseline-based cream and wear soft cotton socks. Your scalp too needs special mention as many of us suffer from the dandruff that can have long term effect on the like hair fall. Use ketoconazole containing shampoo once a week.

·However, application of various products only on the outer surface does not lead to an ultimate healthy skin. What one needs is a healthy diet and a peaceful mind. The meals should have ample amount of juicy fruits and vegetables along with at least 12 to 14 glasses of water a day. Intake of liquids help your skin to retain the essential oils automatically and acts as a natural protection against dryness.
