How To Avoid Dry Eyes in Winters

You must have observed that in winter, the moisture retention in the eyes is lesser as compared to what it is in summer. Dry eyes can negatively affect the quality of life. Some people, through regular splashing and eye drops, try to maintain the moisture balance. But why does this happen? Is there anything serious which needs medical intervention? If you are having such questions, then you are at the right place.

There are various reasons why a person experiences dry eyes throughout the year. However, there are reasons specific to the winter months like weather and heating. For instance, cold and high winds blowing towards a person’s face may cause their eyes to dry out.

As the usage of heating devices goes up during winter, the indoor temperature may also lead to dry eyes. Other reasons for dry eyes are glands not producing enough tears to maintain moisture, drying of eyes, and tears not keeping eyes wet effectively. Some medications can also cause dry eyes as a side effect.

Signs of dry eyes:

Sensitive to light
A person with dry eyes can experience blurry vision and more watery eyes than usual.


The treatment of dry eyes depends on the severity of the condition. Doctors can suggest some OTC medications such as artificial tears. Some people, who use contact lenses regularly, can have such a condition. In such cases, eye drops prescribed by doctors should be used.

Sometimes, due to the lack of humidity in the air, people can experience such situations. A humidifier can be used but make sure to clean them regularly to avoid bacteria building up. Doctors suggest some eye ointments as well. A designed silicon or gel plug can be used. These plugs will aid to prevent tears from draining away too quickly.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

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