house: Maharashtra: Man expresses gratitude to share market in house name | Thane News – Times of India

KALYAN: No way you can miss noticing this house. It’s not so much the sleek exterior, it’s more to do with its unusual name. Called ‘Share Marketchi Krupa’, the one-storey villa with a marble facade at Badlapur is soon gaining prominence, growing into a landmark as it were, on the Badlapur-Karjat state highway.
The out-of-the-ordinary name in Marathi means ‘Share Market’s Blessings’. Its owner, Mukund Khanore (31), a Badlapur who dabbles in shares full time, says he christened his house in thanksgiving to the bourse from which he reaped rich dividends and was financial capable enough to have it built.
The house which measures 10,000 sqft has been built on an 80,000 sqft plot at Kasgaon and cost him Rs 3 crore. The swank-looking abode translates into a rags-to-riches real-life story of a man who, until some time ago, shared space with in a cooped space like most Mumbaikars — a one-room kitchen home measuring 300 sqft.
Khanore used to stay with his wife and mother while his brother and his family liveds in a small room in a chawl. “Now, after I had this bungalow constructed, my brother’s family too has moved in an we live together under one roof,” says Khanore.
Khanore says he learnt a thing or two about the vagaries of the share market at an early age. His late grandfather Shivlal taught him about how to gauge the mood swings of the bulls and bears and how to tread cautiously with investment.
“I was barely 16 when my grandfather hand-held me and taught me a few tricks of the trade, beyond which I had to round them off with my own skill and judgement,” he told TOI. “It helped me a lot.”
After completing his grad uation, Khanore cleared an exam of National Institute of Securities Markets. Eventually, he got in touch with Ramdev Agrawal of Motilal Oswal Group. “His market tips helped me earn a lot,” says Khanore.
Not the one to keep financial success restricted to himself, Khanore now motivates others to try a hand at investing in shares through his YouTube channel.
Initially, Khanore’s parents used to frown upon his share trading occupation and wanted him to take up a proper job, much in keeping with the typical middle-class mindset, he points out. “They thought all it’s a business of luck. So, earlier, they never really supporte me,” he points out.
Today, ‘Share Marketchi Krupa’ draws the attention of many many zipping along the highway, some of whom even gatecrash out of sheer curiosity. “Yes, people have stopped by and even dropped in just to ask why our home has such an ‘ajeeb’ [strange] name,” he says. “Many of them have even stopped an even taken selifes with the house and its name in the backdrop.”
