Hospital attack: Post mortem says youth died of heart attack, had blockages | Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: The post mortem report of Rahul Baliram Iwanate has revealed that heart attack was the cause of the 28-year-old’s sudden death on January 26 or 27. The report mentions that he had around 96% blockage in heart.
The viscera has been sent for chemical analysis (CA) to ascertain the exact time of death. Koradi police had registered a case of accidental death and were awaiting the CA report to carry on further investigation, if needed. The Mankapur police had booked five friends of Iwanate for assaulting a doctor and damaging hospital property. They were released on bail.
The relatives had accused the hospital of medical negligence, following which Iwanate’s body was sent for post mortem in the evening on January 27 at IGGMCH.
The relatives had told the police and media that Iwanate had complained of chest pain in the night and didn’t get up on January 27 morning, following which they had rushed him to Kunal Hospital. The on-duty doctor, Dr Natique Parvez, had registered a flat-line in the ECG, based on which he told the relatives that Iwanate was brought dead.
Sources said Iwanate had been taken to a local doctor in the night in Koradi area. “Instead, they should have taken him to a bigger hospital in the night itself,” they said.
The relatives had unleashed violence at Kunal Hospital after seeing someone else’s name on the ECG report. The hospital has said that it was a technical error and the report belonged to Iwanate.
All findings in the post mortem report point to natural death and rule out any foul play or suicide. Videography of the post mortem examination had also been conducted.
Interpreting the report for TOI, a well known cardiologist explained it means the patient had blockages. “He suffered a major heart attack. Arrythmia – a type of ventricular disorder, blockage in major artery, and heart valve rupture are among some possibilities causing sudden death in such cases,” he said.
The cardiologist said it is uncommon in young patients but the incidence is rising now because of smoking and tobacco habits. “As compared to Western countries, heart attack is increasing in younger population in India. The patient was unfortunate to have this event. If he had symptoms, best option was to reach the hospital early. Angioplasty or blood thinners help dissolve clotting,” he said.
Enlarged heart weighing 320g, fatty deposits present
Left anterior descending artery 96% blocked, 1cm from origin
Right coronary artery 50% blocked, 1.5cm from origin
Evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy present
Blood clots present