Home Minister’s big statement on stopping Love Jihad…: Said- Marriage Bureau, Institutions should get the boy-girl police verification done before marriage

Bhopal8 hours ago

The Home Minister has said a big thing to stop the cases of Love Jihad in Madhya Pradesh. Home Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra said- Marriage bureau and marriage conducting organizations should get the documents of the boy and girl police verified. They should do this work before marriage. The information about both sides comes to them about a month in advance. The Home Minister said this after the case of marriage by changing the name in Aadhaar card came to the fore in Bhopal. He said- We are seriously considering to stop love jihad.

The Home Minister said on Thursday – The information about the boy and the girl comes to the Marriage Bureau and the marriage conducting institutions a month in advance. Police should also be talked to for their police verification. The matter of getting police verification done should be considered. This will be another effective step in preventing such incidents.

Said on the case of cheating marriage in Bhopal…

A case of love jihad has come to the fore with a Dalit girl student in Bhopal. The accused had made friendship by calling himself a Pandit. In this matter, the Home Minister said that action has been taken. In order to stop love jihad, we are seriously considering that marriage registrar bureau and all the institutions of marriage registration should include notaries.

Religion Freedom Bill came into force in MP last year

The Madhya Pradesh cabinet had approved the Freedom of Religion Act-2020 on December 29 last year. Through this law, a provision has been made for maximum imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of up to Rs 50,000 in case of conversion. Anandiben Patel, who was the governor of Madhya Pradesh, had approved this ordinance.

In this, a provision has been made for strict punishment for fraudulent conversion in the guise of marriage. Madhya Pradesh is the third state after Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh, where such an ordinance has been promulgated.

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According to this law…

  • Immediate action will be taken as soon as the complaint is received against the person, institution or voluntary organization who forcefully, intimidated, lured, coaxed and got married and got them converted.
  • In case of marriage or any other wrongful conversion, there is a provision of maximum 10 years imprisonment and fine up to Rs 50,000. The marriage will be considered void.
  • Provision has been made for imprisonment of 2 to 10 years and a fine of Rs 50,000 in cases related to the conversion of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and minors.
  • Parents, legal guardian or guardian and siblings of the person who converts can file a complaint in this regard.
  • People willing to convert will need to apply to the district administration 60 days in advance.
  • The aggrieved woman would be entitled to maintenance allowance under the law. Children born out of such marriages would be entitled to the property of the father.

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Raped a girl student by calling her a Pandit, also made a VIDEO: Torture for three years by threatening; forced to convert

A case of love jihad has come to the fore with a Dalit girl student in Bhopal. The accused had made friendship by calling himself a Pandit. After this, they took her to the hotel and raped her. The accused also made videos. Exploited for three years by threatening to upload videos on social media. Abortion was also done 3 times.

According to the victim student, the accused also pressurized her to change her religion. He used to take her for a walk wearing a burqa. When the accused raped for the first time, he was 16 years old. The accused had also got a fake Aadhaar made in the name of Shaan. However, the Ajak police station has not registered a case under the Freedom of Religion Act. In the case, a case has been registered on Tuesday night under the sections of rape, threats, SC-ST Act and assault. Police have arrested the accused. The student told the story of cruelty

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