Holi celebrations on Naultha’s chaupals: The colors were heated in the cauldrons, the youths divided into groups showed the thrust of the chest by taking out the floats

Aman Verma / Panipat21 minutes ago

Under the tradition going on since 1288, brother-in-law will once again stand on the 904th Dat Holi in village Naultha of Panipat district of Haryana. The people of the village have taken iron even with the British for this historical tradition.

The center of attraction during Dat Holi will be a one-of-a-kind fight between two groups of youths to stick to the colours. In the village, color is cooked in big pans. Women paint from the roofs of the houses. Only about 15 religious tableaux come out with companions. The population of Naulattha village is about 15 thousand and the whole village where the whole village plays Holi drenched in colors, people come from far and wide to see the historical Holi here and participate in it.

This happens in Naultha’s Holi

First of all in the morning Holi is played between brother-in-law and sister-in-law. After this, different types of tableaux come out in the village. In this, the tableau of Baba Lathe Wali comes out first. At number two is the tableau of Gaumata. A total of 12 to 15 religious tableaux are taken out one after the other.

After taking out the tableaux, in the afternoon in all the 6 chaupals of the village, the colors brought from the markets are cooked in big kadhas. These kadhahes are from villages only. The colors are heated to cook. After a while the colors get cooked and then the festival of Dat Holi starts in the village.

This is how Dat Holi is played

It is usually seen on the festival of Holi that if someone applies color, he starts running away, but the youth of these two villages sit against a wall. Apply as much color as you want, don’t hold back. Similarly two groups face each other. Color is showered from above. The team that pushes the other team back, wins. It is called Dat Holi. It is played in Naultha village of Panipat. The women of the village, sitting on the roof of the houses, put hot color in the embroidery on the youth.

The team that fell lost

Actually, the true meaning of dat is to give support. Two groups are formed at the stopper. A tug of war is like a face-to-face game. People from both the groups push each other on the chest. The team that falls down, loses. This is called a dry stop. Similarly, on the day of Phaag, they stand with the chaupal and color is poured from above. It is called the color stopper.

Baba Lathe Wale had started

On the day of Phag, tableaux of Hindu deities are taken out in the village. In this, the palanquin of the saints and saints of the village’s holy Dera Baba Lathe Wala runs at the fore. According to the villagers, Baba Lathe Wale had gone to Dauji village of Mathura 904 years ago during the phase. There, he was impressed to see the mutual love and brotherhood of the people in the Phag festival. He decided to come to the village and celebrate the festival and since then Daat Holi festival is being celebrated every year in Naultha.

Villagers also clashed with the British for Dat Holi

This tradition of Holi has been going on in the village since 1288 AD. Once the British had stopped playing Holi. The villagers then clashed with the British and finally the British bowed down after a month. That year the villagers played Dat Holi after months. It is said that such Holi was played near Mathura. People of 36 fraternities gather in Holi and the example of brotherhood is seen in this village. Everyone considers it their good fortune to soak oneself in the color sprinkled by the villagers all around the village.

Holi will be played here in any case

The history of traditional Holi of Naultha village is about 800 years old. Even today people play Holi in traditional ways to keep their history and culture alive. Holi, known as the festival of colours, is celebrated on the full moon of the month of Falgun. The history of the village has been that Holi is celebrated here in every circumstance. Even if a young man dies on the occasion of Holi in any house, then the people who play Holi first come out of the house of the person who died. Its purpose is to preserve the traditional Holi of the village. The special thing about Dat Holi is that even after so many people playing Holi together, till date the news of fight and quarrel from the village has not come to the fore.

Holi was not celebrated once, the whole village had to bear the brunt: Sarpanch representative

Naultha’s sarpanch representative Chandra Singh told that the tradition is historical. He appeals that the administration should also come to the village Naultha to see and celebrate this world famous festival. He told that the villagers had not celebrated this festival like this once in the history till now. Due to this, the whole village had to be filled in some form or the other, so the villagers do not miss to celebrate the festival.

Chandra Singh told that this festival started with Lathe Wala Baba in the village. Taking out floats, Holi celebrated between brother-in-law and sister-in-law, cooking by heating colors in a pan, playing Holi in two groups, pouring hot colors on all the youth, so that it does not leave for many months. Such activities have always been historic for Holi celebrated in Naultha. This time also the festival is being celebrated like every year.

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