Holi 2022: Follow This Skin and Haircare Guide to Enjoy the Festival Of Colours

HOLI 2022: One of the most vibrant and cheerful festivals, Holi, is here. While many celebrate the festival of colours with delectable sweets, thandai, and loud music, a common problem that most of you face amid the festivities is skin and hair damage. The impact of harsh colours may often ruin the excitement of the festival, as they result in problems like frizzy hair, dull and cracked skin, rashes, and acne.

No matter how hard we try it takes us days to remove the Holi colour out of our skin and months to get our normal skin and hair back in their original condition. Wondering what the solution is because we can’t let these issues ruin our festivities or stop all from having fun?

Be happy, because we got you a complete Holi guide, so that you not only enjoy gujiyas, but also the festival of colours. Along with balloons, pichkaris and gulaal, add the below-mentioned items to your shopping list to have a tension-free Holi.

Oil- Coconut/Sesame/Mustard/Olive

This tip is age-old and needs no new introduction. Before going out to play with colors, remember to oil your hair from root to tip, as the oil will act as a protective covering layer to your hair. And it will help you to easily rinse off the colours from your hair.


Do not forget to apply sunscreen, before going out to play with colours. Try and chose SPF50+ as this will protect you against tanning after being exposed to sunlight. You should repeat after every 3 hours if you are still exposed to the sun.

Nail Paint

Applying nail paint before playing with colours, is the smartest idea of safeguarding your nails from turning blue and green.

Petroleum Jelly

Apply a thick layer of your petroleum or oil on each and every part of your body, so that the harsh colors do not come directly in contact with yourskin. Do not forget your ear lobes and the area behind your ears.

Choose dry colours over-wet

Prefer dry colors over wet ones as they are easy to remove. Try to choose organic colours or the ones which are certified as ‘safe’.

Don’t scrub or forget to shampoo

After you are done playing, do not scrub your skin in a process to get rid of colors, as scrubbing will prove to be extremely harsh for your skin. Remember to shampoo your hair as it will remove the colours that have settled on your scalp.

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