Himachal’s Mushroom King expressed his gratitude to PM: Budhram said – Prime Minister Narendra Modi respected a small farmer like me, felt proud

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  • Himachal’s Mushroom King Expressed His Gratitude To The PM; Budhram Said Prime Minister Narendra Modi Respected A Small Farmer Like Me, Felt Proud

solan9 hours ago

Do you know who is it? Himachal farmer Budhram, whom Prime Minister Narendra Modi also mentioned while addressing the public meeting during his rally. If you do not know, then let us tell you and introduce you to Budhram, a farmer of Solan. With whom Dainik Bhaskar had a special conversation.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday remembered farmer Budhram Thakur as the Mushroom King. They are proud of it. In a conversation with Dainik Bhaskar, he said that it is a matter of great honor for a small farmer like him that the Prime Minister of the country not only remembered him but also gave him a chance to be proud by taking his name from the stage.

Farmer Budhram got respect in Gujarat
He said that when Narendra Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, there was a world level conference in which farmers were invited. In this my name was also included as a mushroom producer. Along with the big farmers, small farmers also participated in the conference. There Narendra Modi gave equal respect to everyone. Let no one feel whether someone is small or big.

Farmers also started mushroom cultivation
Thakur said that when Prime Minister Modi took his name from such a big stage on Saturday, it felt great. He said that after studies, he did not go towards job and went towards farming. When the budget for mushrooms came from the government, he started production from some bags. Today we have a capacity of 30 thousand bags. Seeing them, other farmers also started mushroom cultivation.
Budhram Thakur is a resident of Basal village adjoining Solan city. His name is also included among those who started mushroom cultivation in Solan. Due to the hard work of these farmers, Solan also got recognition as Mushroom City in the country.

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