Himachal Governor met PM Modi: The Governor presented Chamba’s handkerchief to the Prime Minister, various issues related to the development of the state were discussed

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Newly appointed Governor of Himachal Pradesh Shiv Pratap Shukla called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi today. During this, he presented a Chamba handkerchief to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It was a courtesy call but during this he also discussed various issues related to the development of the state with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Prime Minister also congratulated Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla on getting his new responsibility. Earlier, the Governor met Defense Minister Rajnath Singh. Lady Governor Janki Shukla was also present with him on the occasion. This too was a courtesy call. Lady Governor Janki Shukla honored Savitri Singh, wife of Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, by presenting Himachali cap.

The Governor has also met President Draupadi Murmu and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar during his visit to Delhi. This is Shiv Pratap Shukla’s first courtesy meeting with all these leaders after becoming the Governor.

After taking the oath of Governor, Shiv Pratap Shukla had said that he likes to lead a simple life. Staying among the public, his priority is to know their problems and solve them. He had also said that he would do most of the journey by road so that he would meet the people and try to convey their problems to the government, so that those problems could be resolved.

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