Himachal Crisis Live Updates: Congress Rebel MLAs Take Chopper Route To Shimla

In Himachal Pradesh, the political turmoil is being claimed by the BJP. This morning, a delegation of BJP MLAs including Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur met Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla to make him aware of the developments that took place in the last few days. It includes denial of cut motions and division voting on the finance bill and cross-voting by the Congress MLAs in the Rajya Sabha election. Despite claiming the support of around 45 MLAs including independents, the Congress got just 34 votes. A cross-voting by the Congress and independent MLAs saw the BJP tally going up to 34 despite having just 25 seats. 

10.10 AM: Six Congress Himachal Pradesh’s legislators who cross voted in Rajya Sabha elections on Tuesday and were staying at a hotel in Haryana left for Shimla in a helicopter for the Budget Session of the state assembly on Wednesday. Earlier on Tuesday, CM Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu had claimed that opposition leaders were obstructing the work of counting officials, and that “5-6 Congress MLAs were taken away in a convoy of the CRPF and Haryana Police.”

9.40 AM: Himachal Pradesh BJP Rajya Sabha MP Harsh Mahajan said that the BJP will form a government in the state. “BJP is going to form its government in the state. Some more MLAs of Congress are in touch with us. I got phone calls from some of their MLAs and ministers…The situation is going to change in the next few hours and you will see BJP will form its govt soon…For the next 10-20 years, Congress is not going to come to power here…” he said.

9.25 AM: Himachal Pradesh BJP Rajya Sabha MP Harsh Mahajan said that BJP is the game-changer in the politics. “People are upset with the Sukhu government. All good leaders are joining BJP. It is a future party…There has been cross-voting. On today’s date, Congress has lost its majority in the state. This Govt is not going to last for long…” he said.

08.50 AM: Watch: BJP Delegation led by LoP Jairam Thakur Meets Himachal Governor

BJP Meets Governor

BJP has claimed that the Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu government in the state has lost its majority. Before meeting the governor today, former CM ahd LoP Jairam Thakur said, “We will apprise the Governor about what happened in the Assembly. We demanded division during the vote on the financial bill, it wasn’t allowed. The House was adjourned twice. This is not right, it has never happened in Himachal Pradesh. The government has lost the moral right to stay in power.”

Number Game

In the 2022 Himachal Pradesh assembly elections, the Congress emerged victorious with 40 seats out of the 68-member house. Additionally, the party secured the backing of three independent MLAs.  The majority mark is 35. The BJP, on the other hand, attained 25 seats. There is speculation that if Congress loses the support of nine MLAs, its count would decrease to 31 MLAs.

Options With Congress

If the BJP demands a trust vote, the Assembly speaker may disqualify the rebel Congress MLAs as they not only violated party’s whip but also indulged in anti-party activity by cross voting. In that case, the majority mark will come down benefitting the Congress. 

Congress MLAs In Panchkula

After yesterday’s cross-voting, many Congress MLAs are in Panchkula along with some BJP MLAs. Zee News TV also reported that many Congress MLAs are upset with CM Sukhu and have urged the party’s high command to change the Chief Minister. However, they left for Shimla in a helicoptre to attend the budget session.

Congress Rushes Observers

After the cross-voting led to the defeat of the Congress candidate in the Rajya Sabha, the grand old party rushed two observers – Bhupinder Singh Hooda and DK Shivakumar – to Shimla. They will meet the MLAs and the Chief Minister to bring the situation under control and prevent the collapse of the Sukhu government.