Himachal CM meets President Murmu: presented a memento of Devbhoomi’s traditional musical instrument Ranasingha, also met Vice President Dhankhar

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Himachal CM Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu called on President Draupadi Murmu today during his visit to Delhi. Chief Minister Sukhu presented him a traditional musical instrument Ranasingha as a memento.

Sukhwinder Sikhu’s first courtesy to President Draupadi Murmu after becoming the Chief Minister was. President Draupadi Murmu also congratulated Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on becoming the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh.

CM Sukhu met Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar. This was Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu’s first meeting with the Vice President after becoming the Chief Minister. Vice President Dhankhar also congratulated Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on becoming the Chief Minister.

At the same time, Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu will also meet PM Narendra Modi in Delhi. Sukhu will meet the Prime Minister for the first time after becoming the Chief Minister. This will be a courtesy meeting, in which it is possible to discuss issues related to the development of Himachal Pradesh.

Will return on January 24
Chief Minister Sukhu has gone to Delhi on a two-day tour. He will return to Himachal on January 24 and will go directly to Hamirpur. Here he will preside over the Republic Day celebrations being celebrated on 26 January. The Chief Minister is also scheduled to meet President Draupadi Murmu and Congress National President Mallikarjun Kharge.

During this, the Chief Minister will give the feedback of the work of the government and the organization to the party national president. The chief minister’s party will also talk to the national president regarding cabinet expansion. Please tell here that 3 more members are yet to be included in the cabinet. The Chief Minister was earlier scheduled to meet the Prime Minister on December 19, but the meeting could not take place due to CM Sukhu being infected with Corona.

Cabinet expansion will be discussed
Chief Minister Sukhu will meet Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge and state in-charge Rajeev Shukla and other leaders. He can discuss with the national leaders of the party about possible cabinet expansion in the state and postings to be given in the corporation-board.

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