A high alert has been issued in Jammu and Kashmir following the disappearance of Yasir Bhat, a Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist out on bail, from his home in South Kashmir’s Kulgam district. Bhat was previously involved in a grenade attack at the Jammu Bus Stand in March 2019, which resulted in the deaths of two civilians and injuries to 32 others. In an effort to locate him, police officials have distributed posters of Bhat across Jammu.
The grenade attack occurred on a Thursday afternoon in March 2019, when a powerful blast rocked the crowded general bus stand in Jammu. The explosion killed Mohammad Riyaz, a 32-year-old resident of Mattan village in Anantnag district, and Mohammad Sharik, a teenager from Uttarakhand. Riyaz succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment at the Government Medical College (GMC) hospital, raising the death toll to two.
Within hours of the attack, police arrested Yasir Javed Bhat, who had been tasked by the terror outfit Hizbul Mujahideen to carry out the attack.
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Yasir Bhat’s Involvement In March 2019 Jammu Bus Stand Blast
Inspector General of Police, Jammu, M. K. Sinha, stated that Yasir Bhat, a resident of Khanpora-Dassein village in Kulgam, was directed by Hizbul Mujahideen district commander Farooq Ahmad Bhat, also known as “Umar,” to execute the attack. Bhat had arrived in Jammu with the grenade on the morning of the attack after leaving Kulgam the previous night. He was attempting to flee when he was apprehended by alert policemen at Nagrota on the outskirts of the city.
Bhat was granted bail due to his juvenile status at the time of the attack. His recent disappearance has led to the issuance of a high alert, with security forces intensifying their efforts to locate him and prevent any potential threats.