Health, Myths and Facts: Is Whey Protein Natural, Can It Harm Kidneys? Here’s What Experts Say

Protein supplements have grown in popularity in recent years, particularly among people looking to gain muscle and improve their athletic performance. However, as the popularity of these supplements has grown, so have the myths and misconceptions about their use. These myths can cause confusion and lead to erroneous supplement decisions. Individuals can make more informed decisions about their supplement regimen and achieve their fitness goals more effectively if they understand the truth behind these common misconceptions.

Are you curious about whey protein and how it can help you achieve your fitness goals? Let’s get started and dispel some of the common myths about this popular supplement.


Whey is a completely natural ingredient that is produced during the cheesemaking process, as it has been for over 4,000 years. Whey-based ingredients are made from milk. Before it even leaves the Midwest dairy farm where the milk is sourced ethically, it is tested to ensure it is free of antibiotics and impurities. The cheese is then transported directly to our cheese production facility, where it undergoes additional testing and is properly pasteurised to ensure safety.

In an interview with ABP Live, Garima Dev Verman, Certified Nutritionist and Medical Content Analyst with The Healthy Indian Project (THIP) said: “Whey is a natural byproduct of the cheese-making process, and it has been used for centuries as a source of protein. It is a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body needs to build and repair muscles. Whey protein is also easily digested and absorbed by the body, making it a popular dietary and sports supplement”.

“However, the quality of whey protein supplements can vary depending on how they are processed and manufactured. Some commercial whey protein supplements may contain added ingredients such as artificial flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives, which may not be naturally occurring. These additives may affect the overall quality and nutritional value of the supplement,” she added further.


Whey protein cannot promote muscle mass growth on its own. They do, however, aid in faster muscle healing. Whey protein shakes are commonly consumed by athletes and bodybuilders following exercise. These formulas nourish your body while also providing the amino acids required for muscle repair. They also help to prevent muscle loss.

According to Dr Neelabh, an experienced Orthopedist with over 29 years of experience, currently a consultant Orthopedic surgeon at BL Kapur Hospital, Delhi: “Whey protein can help improve muscle strength before and after exercise by increasing blood flow to the muscles, which increases muscle-building nutrients like oxygen and hormones. Furthermore, whey protein boosts the anabolic effects of weight training by rapidly delivering amino acids to skeletal muscle tissue, allowing your muscles to grow larger and stronger”.


Whey protein is a natural dietary supplement that is completely safe to use. Steroids, on the other hand, are biological substances that cause abnormal tissue and cell growth in the body. Although steroids are found naturally in the body, some fitness enthusiasts use chemically formed steroids for muscle building, which have a number of negative side effects.

Dr Sanjeev Gera, Director of Internal Medicine at Fortis Hospital, Noida told ABP Live that, “Another common myth about whey protein is that it contains steroids. This is simply not true. Whey protein is a natural protein source that is free of steroids or any other synthetic hormones. However, some low-quality supplements may contain trace amounts of contaminants, which is why it is important to choose a reputable brand and read product labels carefully”.


There is no conclusive link between whey protein and liver function. Furthermore, when consumed in moderation, whey protein does not harm the liver. However, consuming too much protein over a long period of time can harm the kidneys.

According to Garima Dev Verman, “Consuming high amounts of whey protein may pose a potential risk to the kidneys and liver, especially for individuals with pre-existing kidney or liver conditions. However, most healthy adults can safely consume moderate amounts of whey protein without any adverse effects on their kidney or liver function,” she said.

“The recommended daily intake of protein for an average adult is about 0.83 grams per kilogram of body weight, but this amount may vary based on individual factors such as age, sex, and physical activity level. Consuming more protein than recommended, especially over a prolonged period, may increase the risk of kidney or liver damage. Therefore, it is important to consume whey protein in moderation and follow the rules given by the government body, the nutritionist said.

Dr Sanjeev Gera while concluding his statement said: “Whey protein is a natural, healthy, and safe supplement that can be a valuable tool for improving athletic performance, building muscle, and maintaining overall health. However, it is important to dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding this supplement in order to make informed decisions about its use. Always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any supplements to your diet, and choose high-quality, reputable brands to ensure that you are getting the best possible products”.