HC said- why curfew for girls, closed for boys: Court said- only they create trouble, let girls be free

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  • Hostel Restrictions; Kerala High Court On Kozhikode Medical College Hostel Curfew | Kerala News

Thiruvananthapuram5 minutes ago

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Five girls, including Fiona Joseph, have filed a petition against the hostel curfew and the Kerala state government, the next hearing will be on December 15.

The Kerala High Court on Wednesday said, ‘Why curfew for girls alone, why there is no such restriction on boys. Lock up the boys, cause they cause trouble. Give freedom to girls. Justice Devan Ramachandran said this while hearing a petition filed by Kozhikode Government Medical College students. He also said that there should be a curfew for boys after 8 pm. The matter has been listed on December 15 for filing counter affidavit.

First read what is this matter
Girl students are not allowed to move after 9.30 pm in the Government Medical College Hostel, Kozhikode. Against this, 5 girls had appealed in the High Court and demanded to cancel it. This order was issued in 2019. During the hearing in the Kerala High Court, the Higher Education Department argued that the decision to impose hostel curfew was taken on the demand of the parents.

What did the Kerala High Court say

  • In the second hearing of the case, Justice Ramachandran said- ‘It is the responsibility of the government to make the campus safe. No purpose will be served by imposing curfew in girls hostels. Nor will anything be achieved by banning girls. How long can we keep our students locked up? Think, Kerala has not progressed. That’s why it is necessary to keep the girls closed. If the society wants this, then so be it.
  • Justice Ramachandran said what have we got by locking them up in the past centuries? Do you really think that things are better now? It is a general opinion that now is the worst time. What have we gained by disbelieving our children, nothing really. We have no problem in banning because Article 19 is not absolute. However, such restrictions should apply equally to all and not to any particular gender.

What should the government do if the parents want to keep the girls locked up – Kerala HC
Justice Devan said, ‘We make rules for hostels, but relax it for men. It seems that girls are the whole problem. I am not blaming the government, just saying that the government is the reflection of the society. When parents want their daughters to be locked up, how can the government deny it’

He also said that people who belong to a different generation should not take decisions like banning. Because every generation is like a new country, and we have no right to make laws for the new generation.

It is the responsibility of the government not to stop the girls, make them capable
In the last hearing, the court had said that in the name of providing gender-based security in modern times, any kind of patriarchy has to be ignored as girls are equally capable of taking care of themselves as boys. And if it is not so then it is the responsibility of the government to enable them instead of shutting them down.

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