Half the population suffers from anemia, lack of blood in the country: even tattooed people can donate blood, there will be no weakness, will help in reducing weight

  • Hindi News
  • Women
  • World Blood Donor Day: Tattooed People Can Also Donate Blood, There Will Be No Weakness, Will Help In Reducing Weight

New Delhi10 minutes agoWriters: Deepti Mishra

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Today is World Blood Donor Day. On an average, 14 crore units of blood are used in India every year, but against this, only 11 million units are available. Recently, the report of National Family Health Survey-5 came, which said that 57% of women in the age group of 15-49 years in the country are suffering from anemia. Despite this, the number of women donating blood is increasing in the country.

The theme of this year’s World Blood Donation Day is ‘Blood donation is an act of solidarity, join the effort and save lives’. According to a report by the National Institutes of Health, more women are willing to donate blood than men in the country. The report said that 52% of women and 48% of men expressed their willingness to donate blood. Two-thirds of the blood donors for the first time have been women. According to the World Health Organization, 33% of the world’s blood donors are women.

According to Dr. Vanshree Singh, Director, Indian Red Cross Society Blood Bank, when camps are organized in the college and corporate sector, 40% of the people who come there to donate blood are female. However, this figure goes down after the fitness test done before the blood is drawn.

Who can donate blood?
According to the Ministry of Health, any healthy man or woman can donate blood. Men can donate blood regularly at an interval of three months and women at an interval of four months.

  • Age should be between 18 years to 65 years.
  • Weight should not be less than 45 kg.
  • The donor’s temperature and pulse should be normal.
  • Blood pressure should be normal.
  • Hemoglobin should not be less than 12.5 grams.
  • 15 days after vaccination for cholera, typhoid, tetanus, plate, diphtheria.
  • One year after getting the rabies vaccine.

Who should not donate blood?

  • Who has been treated for any cancer.
  • Suffer from a serious illness or allergy.
  • Have diabetes and are taking insulin.
  • Women during periods and pregnancy.
  • Lactating mothers.

Tattooed people can also donate blood
Dr. Naman Sharma, Physician of Manas Hospital, Noida, says that people have many misconceptions about donating blood, while this does not happen. Know the lies and their reality –

False : Donating blood will make immunity week.
Truth: In 48 hours, that much blood is made again in the body.

False : Those who have tattooed cannot donate blood.
Truth: If it has been one year since tattooing, then you can donate blood.

False: Vegetarian people get weak after donating blood.
Truth: It doesn’t happen. Those who take healthy diet do not have any kind of weakness.

Dr. Naman Sharma says that before donating blood, take good sleep and healthy food. Do not take any kind of intoxicant. At the same time, those who need blood, they should take blood only from a blood bank operated under a certain standard, because there many tests including HIV of blood are done so that any kind of infection does not reach the sick person through blood.

It is not good to have severe cold and fever while transfusion of blood.
After blood transfusion, itching, fever, fibers can be seen on the body. Too many bottles of blood can cause problems with the lungs. However, if someone develops fever with severe chills during blood transfusion, stop the blood transfusion immediately and consult a doctor.

There are many benefits of donating blood, diseases will stay away

  • Donating blood will reduce the risk of heart attack.
  • The risk of getting cancer may be reduced.
  • Liver related problems get relief.
  • Helps in reducing weight.

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