Haircare Mistakes One Must Avoid

The shampoo is not just for cleaning your hair but it also adds shine and nourishment to your hair. Most of us choose the wrong shampoos because we don’t realise what our hair really needs. The price, packaging, and fragrance should not influence our choices but they do.

What we must consider while purchasing a shampoo is the scalp type and the needs of the scalp. Someone with dull hair will require keratin shampoo while curly hair will require shampoo that locks in moisture. Therefore, take your hair type, scalp type, and needs into consideration before making a purchase.

Skipping on conditioners and masks will not cause severe damage to your hair but it might make it look unpleasant and dry. Conditioners and masks add moisture and condition the hair. Our scalp produces natural oils (sebum) which keep the scalp hydrated and moisturised but our hair needs extra products for an equal level of moisturisation.

Masks and conditioners also make the hair shiny, and less frizzy, preventing breakage and damage while maintaining strong hair.

We’ve been hearing this since childhood that we must comb our hair while it’s wet to avoid the knots but this is not true. Hair is at its most vulnerable state while it’s wet and brushing can overstretch the strands and thus result in tearing. So brushing your wet hair must be a big no.

Moreover, wet hair opens pores, and combing it means fidgeting with those weak pores. But you must know that this should be followed by people with straight hair. People with curly hair must comb their hair while it’s still damp.