Guard Held For Mobile Theft | Surat News – Times of India

Surat: On December 21, an MBBS student reported theft of his mobile phone from his bag in SMIMER hospital’s paediatric department. He lodged a plaint with Varachha police. A team from SOG, meanwhile, had nabbed a female security guard for stealing mobile phones and also recovered a handset from her. During investigation, accused Nita Makwana (35), a resident of Shree Nathjee Dwar society in Puna, said that she is working with a private security agency and was posted on duty at the SMIMER hospital for the past six months. She confessed of stealing the student’s handset.
IMFL worth Rs54,000 seized, one held
Surat: Crime branch had seized a car loaded with Indian-made foreign liquor worth Rs54,000 from Sachin area and arrested two bootleggers Sarfaraz Nalbandh and Abdul Bardoliwala recently. During primary investigation, police came to know that another accused, Kalpesh aka KG Tambakuwala (45), a resident of Samarpan heights in Jahangirpura is also involved in the case. On Friday, a team from SOG nabbed the third accused too from Vesu area on specific information.
