Growth without reforms in society meaningless: Nitish Kumar | Patna News – Times of India

MOTIHARI/PATNA: Launching his three-week-long campaign for social reforms, christened ‘Samaj Sudhar Abhiyan’, from Motihari on Wednesday, chief minister Nitish Kumar said development without reforms in the society had no meaning.
“If we carry out reforms in the society along with development works, the society, the state and the country will progress at a faster face,” Nitish said while addressing a public meeting at Motihari’s Gandhi Maidan. “This campaign will continue to run in each city, each town and each village,” he added.
In his speech, the CM focused on the benefits of total prohibition and bad effects of social evils like dowry and child marriage.
Describing the dowry system as a very bad practice, Nitish vowed not to participate in those wedding events where dowry is taken. The CM said henceforth he would attend only those wedding events in which a clear-cut declaration about ‘no exchange of dowry’ will be mentioned in the invitation card.
“When we launched a campaign against dowry a few years ago, some people used to declare on the invitation card that ‘this wedding is being solemnized without dowry’. Now we are not receiving such invitation cards,” the CM said.
He called upon the people not to participate in wedding events which are solemnized after exchange of dowry.
The CM also called upon Jeevika workers, youths and social workers to launch a vigorous campaign against liquor consumption, child marriage and dowry system and go to all homes in villages to raise awareness against these evils.
Nitish said during his Champaran Satyagrah in 1917, Mahatma Gandhi had started a movement against liquor consumption and asked the poor and illiterate people that consumption of liquor is bad for health and healthy life.
The CM also distributed cheques for Rs 5 crore among 246 Jeevika didis for their works in villages. He was seemingly happy with the presence Jeevika workers in large numbers.
