Ground report from the Muslim area of ​​Gorakhpur: Muslims said ‘the MLA did not develop himself in 5 years’, see VIDEO

8 hours ago

“For the first time in my life the media has come to our house. If such people will listen to our problems and talk, then why will we not speak. When we reached Dussehribagh to know the condition of the Muslims of Gorakhpur, a woman told us this. Dussehribagh is a Muslim majority area, which is just behind Gorakhnath.

Despite being in the neighborhood of the temple, the worse condition of this area starts to be seen as soon as one enters here. The narrow streets, dirty drains, dilapidated houses, tin roofs were themselves telling the story of this area. We talked to the people here. Heard their troubles. We cannot describe their condition in words.

So just writing a few things below. Watch the video above to know the whole thing.

No house, no ration card…

Even today the women here cook food on the stove

A woman from the area says, “The one whose house is full of money is getting ration, cylinders, etc. The one who is poor still cooks food on the stove. It has been three years since the form was filled for the house but till today the name has not come.

She says, “We even voted for Yogi ji. In the hope that they will work for us. Five years passed. Yogi ji has not done anything for this area.”

Everyone wins and just sits in their house. He listens to those who live in his own people. No one listens to the poor.

MLAs do not come because this is a Muslim area.

We haven't even seen the MLA in 5 years.

We haven’t even seen the MLA in 5 years.

Shopkeeper Arif Tanveer says, “We have applied for our problems many times. MLA Vipin Singh knows the problems here, what is the condition of the road.

“He will not set foot in Muslim territory,” he says. We have never seen MLA Vipin Singh in 5 years till date.

He says, there is a big difference between the politics of the past and the politics of this time. In five years, only religious things have been given importance. People have got lost in this.

Ask for votes on issues, not on religion

The government has divided the Hindu-Muslim

The government has divided the Hindu-Muslim

When we asked an elderly person on the work of the government, he says, “There is a lot of sectarianism in this government. What is the need to bring Hindu-Muslim in politics. Earlier we used to live together but now we have divided the people. This time we want change.”

In the last 5 years, Hindu-Muslim talk has been increased a lot. It should not happen. We are totally against it. We live, live in one place, today it is being divided.

CM is talking about 80 and 20. This is wrong. You ask for votes. Ask on ideology, ask on issues, ask on the basic problem of the people, we are with you. There is no need to bring Hindu-Muslim in this.

Did not get treatment even in 3 years

Thousands went to the hospital for the treatment of the daughter but no hearing

Thousands went to the hospital for the treatment of the daughter but no hearing

Seeing the media for the first time in the locality, the elderly woman started telling her problems.

She says, “My baby girl was very ill. We went to Gorakhpur Civil Hospital for his treatment. Deposited the money too. Visited the hospital for 3 years but did not get treatment.

The dirty water of the cowshed comes on the streets

People of the area upset due to dirty drains, muddy streets

People of the area upset due to dirty drains, muddy streets

The shopkeepers of the area said, “The dirty water of Gorakhnath’s cowshed flows onto the streets. The drains get blocked.”

Sometimes the sewage sludge and dung reach inside the shops. Many times the goods kept in the shop have been damaged.

People say, “If it rains for 1 hour, the water remains full for 6 hours. The sewer line is also not made right. Everything overflows. The government just made the main road roads, no one pays attention to our area.

(This story is of Gausiya Bano. He is an intern in Dainik Bhaskar App.)

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