Gov’t approves 3b. for infrastructure, education in east Jerusalem

“The fact is that Israel is sovereign in east Jerusalem, and if so it must provide these services to the residents,” said Jerusalem Affairs and Jewish Tradition Minister Meir Porush (United Torah Judaism) after the government approved a five-year plan allocated money for development in the eastern portion of the nation’s capital.

“This step of bringing a special program for the development of east Jerusalem reveals the extent of the responsibility of all of us around this table to all who were created in the image of God,” he added.

The government’s approval comes two weeks after Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced the proposed NIS 3.2 billion funding that was earmarked for economic development and education in the majority-Arab portion of the country. Smotrich at the time announced he was freezing the funding pending a checking mechanism in place that would ensure the funds are not misallocated.

His decision drew criticism from members of the governing coalition and opposition, who in a rare instance of bipartisanship spoke out against the finance minister’s move, citing everything from national security considerations and racism as his driving motive.

Sunday’s approval included concessions to ease Smotrich’s fear, including a committee that will comprise of the director general of the Jerusalem Affairs and Jewish Tradition Ministry, a member from the Prime Minister’s Office, the head of the budget division at the Finance Ministry, the accountant general, and the director general of the Jerusalem Municipality, according to a summary provided by the government.

Houses are seen being demolished in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jebl Mukaber, on February 13, 2023. (credit: JAMAL AWAD/FLASH90)

Following the approval at the government’s weekly cabinet meeting, where Smotrich entered alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and in clear good spirits, he said “We want to do it right. We want to make sure that these budgets reach their destination and not for other purposes, whether criminal elements, involvement of terrorism, incitement, and violence. The state closed its eyes on this matter, now we are putting an end to it.”

Netanyahu released a statement as well, saying “Our government cares for all citizens and residents of the State of Israel, and it strengthens our policy in favor of a united and strong Jerusalem, under Israel’s sovereignty.

“That is why today we brought to the government a decision in favor of the residents of east Jerusalem, a very important decision; A decision to the extent of NIS 3 billion, a decision that will change the face of the city of Jerusalem.”

According to the prime minister, the newly approved plan will include funding from public infrastructure, reform of health care facilities, reform of welfare, increase in public security, employment opportunities, and working to increase the number receiving education certificates.

“We are building Jerusalem, we are strengthening the governance in Jerusalem, we are uniting Jerusalem,” Netanyahu closed.

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, who was in attendance at the government’s cabinet meeting, said afterwards that “The decision made today is a sovereign decision. We are here today proving in practice that east Jerusalem is an inseparable part of Jerusalem.

“This five-year plan conveys an important message to the residents of the east, who in recent years have experienced a veritable revolution in all areas of life, especially in education.”

In terms of breakdown, 736 million NIS will go towards improving roads and public transportation, 55m. NIS to other public infrastructure, 209m. NIS will go towards increasing employment, including 50m. NIS towards Hebrew language education to the Arab sector, something they have been reported to be heavily lacking.

There has been a large growth in efforts towards building up a hi-tech scene in the eastern part of the city, with projects such as Silicon Wadi and EastTech being notable ones. The funding will allocate 48m. NIS towards the encouragement of entrepreneurship, establishing start-ups, and helping residents find hi-tech jobs.

To combat a housing crisis in the area, they allocated 133m. NIS to building around 2,000 new apartments per year over the five-year plan.

Another 100m. NIS will go towards health care, 120m. to welfare, 90m. to sustainability, 415m. For public spaces, and 120m. for security.

A sore point in the outcry over Smotrich’s decision last week included funding towards education, particularly higher education preparatory programs. As such, 800m. NIS will go towards such programs.

Still though, there is a massive shortage of funding for education around the rest of the country. A general strike and large protest is scheduled to begin on Monday, headed by the National Committee for the Heads of Arab Local Authorities. CEO Ameer Bisharat made clear in a message to The Jerusalem Post that the new funding approval does not impact them at all, since it is just for Jerusalem. The strike is set to include the heads of 42 Arab authorities.

East Jerusalem NGOs welcome progress, stress further work needed

The Ir Amim NGO welcomed the approval of the five-year plan for Jerusalem, but stressed that further work is needed to close the socioeconomic gaps in the city.

“Eastern Jerusalem has been neglected for over 50 years, and it is good that a decision is now being made to continue reducing the severe economic and social disparities,” said Ir Amim. “There are political, forceful governance parts of the decision, but it is evident in parts of it that attention was paid to professional criticism. That is why it is good that reference has now been added to the residents’ existential need in residential planning, as well as proper investment in areas such as ‘community culture and leisure’ and ‘local initiatives.'”

Ir Amim referenced a decision by Smotrich to block funds assigned for helping integrate residents of eastern Jerusalem into Israeli universities, stating “it is difficult to see the government’s surrender to the finance minister and the deletion of the higher education section, as well as the addition of the personal security section inspired by [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben-Gvir, which gives the state more tools to increase the supervision and surveillance of the residents of eastern Jerusalem.”

“Between these two conflicting trends stands Jerusalem, in which it is possible to continue and increase forceful measures which divide, in front of Jerusalem which longs for the narrowing of the gaps and a decent life in the home of the two peoples living in it.”

The Bimkom organization also welcomed the progress made in the new five-year plan, while noting the work that still needs to be done.

“Unlike its predecessor, the current plan expresses recognition of the need for planning in the Palestinian neighborhoods in the form of a planning section that also refers to the need for housing. Although the allocation for planning amounts to only one percent of the budget, this is nevertheless progress.”

“We note that in the face of progress in the field of planning, the system is working to neutralize the possibility of realizing it by canceling an important procedure that allowed it to be realized and imposing new restrictions related to the land,” added Bimkom.

Jerusalem Post Staff contributed to this report.