Government in Kerala made Darwin theory compulsory in schools: In protest against the school of Christian-Muslim trust, said – it is against our religion

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  • Muslim And Christian Groups Are Against Darvin Theory In School Syllabus

Thiruvananthapuram23 minutes ago

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Charles Darwin’s book ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’ was published.

In Kerala, a new controversy has arisen over the re-teaching of core areas (Mughal history, Gujarat riots and Darwin theory) removed from the NCERT syllabus. School Education Minister V Sivankutty had announced last week that they would introduce these chapters in Kerala through supplementary textbooks, which would be part of the syllabus in the state and would be made compulsory for students to study.

Now people from Christian and Muslim communities have come to protest against this decision of the communist government. Fearing this, the government is re-thinking the implementation of these supplementary textbooks. In fact, in Kerala, most of the schools come under Christian and Muslim management. Those who have no problem in teaching Mughal history and Gujarat riots, but have a serious problem with Darwin Theory.

It is believed that Darwin’s theory is contrary to the origin of species described in the holy texts of the Bible and the Quran. Which rejects the role of God on earth, so Christian and Muslim communities are finding common reason to be with BJP-RSS. Here, the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Conference (KCBC) has also raised strong objections against the supplementary textbook containing Darwin’s theory.

Liberation struggle movement was done in 1959
Objection to Darwin’s theory is not a new thing. In 1957, when the first communist government came to power in Kerala, both the Christian and Muslim communities accused the CPI(M) and the CPI of teaching atheism in the school syllabus. In 1959, these communities started the ‘Liberation Struggle’ movement against the educational policies of the communist government.

As a result, the then Jawaharlal Nehru government dismissed the Kerala government. Subsequently, many school managements have publicly stated that they will not teach Darwin’s theory in their schools. It has been a long standing practice that school management forbids teachers to teach Darwin theory and teachers do not teach it and students are asked to figure it out on their own.

CM kept silence in the matter of teaching supplementary textbook
The Communist parties kept mum on the issue fearing loss of votes. At the same time, CM Pinarayi Vijayan has also kept silence in this matter due to the increasing opposition. While he came out against the removal of material about the assassination of Gandhiji and the banning of RSS from NCERT textbooks for History.

He had said that Kerala is moving forward by giving importance to constitutional and secular values. Kerala is of the view that omitted subjects including Gujarat riots and Mughal history should be made to study.

Told in the Theory of Evolution – how we became humans from monkeys
On 24 November 1859, Charles Darwin’s book ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection’ was published. There was a chapter in this book, ‘Theory of Evolution’. It was told in this, how we became humans from monkeys.

He believed that we all have the same ancestors. His theory was that our ancestors were monkeys, but some monkeys started living differently in different places, due to which gradually changes started coming in them according to the needs. The changes in him were visible in his next generation.

In this book, Darwin told how we became humans from monkeys.

In this book, Darwin told how we became humans from monkeys.

He had explained that one son of Orangutan (a species of monkeys) started living on the tree, and the other on the ground. The son living on the land learned new arts to keep himself alive. He learned to stand, walk on two legs, use two hands.

Learned to hunt and farm to make ends meet. In this way a son of orangutan became human from monkey. However, this change did not come in a year or two, but it took crores of years. Because of this theory, he got worldwide recognition.

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