Govardhan Puja 2023: Know Why Is This Festival Celebrated- Check Out Numerology Predictions

Govardhan Puja Date: Govardhan Puja holds special significance in Hinduism, and its direct connection is with nature and humanity. Celebrated on the first day of the bright fortnight (Shukla Paksha) of the Kartik month, following Diwali, it is also known as Annakut festival. While this festival is observed throughout India, its grandeur is particularly heightened in North India, especially in Mathura, Vrindavan, Nandgaon, Gokul, and Barsana.

This year, Govardhan Puja will be observed on the first day of the bright fortnight of Kartik month, starting at 2:56 PM on November 13 and concluding the next day, November 14, at 2:36 PM. According to the sunrise, Govardhan Puja will be celebrated on November 14.

Lord Krishna Destroyed the Arrogance of Indra:

According to a mythological story from the Dvapara Yuga, in Braj, people used to worship Lord Indra. Lord Krishna told the residents of Braj that rainfall is their duty and responsibility, and they should focus on performing their duties. Govardhan Parvat protects our cows and provides food. This also ensures a pure environment. Therefore, instead of worshiping Indra, they should worship Govardhan Parvat.

Understanding Lord Krishna’s words, everyone began to worship Govardhan Parvat. This angered Indra, who then commanded the clouds to destroy Gokul. In response, Lord Krishna suggested that all the residents seek refuge on Govardhan Parvat. He then lifted the Govardhan Parvat with his pinky finger, providing shelter to all the inhabitants of Braj and protecting them from the wrath of Indra.

Indra utilized all his might, but he was defeated. When Indra realized that Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, he sought forgiveness from Lord Krishna. From that day onwards, Govardhan Puja has been accorded special significance.

Daily Numerology Horoscope For November 14

Let’s take a look at numerological predictions for November 14 based on your date of birth as suggested by Acharya Neeraj Dhankher who is a Vedic Astrologer & Numerologist, Founder of Astro Zindagi

Number 1 (Born on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th)

This could be the day when you stumble upon a connection that goes beyond the surface, allowing you to experience the ecstasy of love in its purest form. Your disciplined and professional attitude will be your greatest asset at work. If you’ve been contemplating financial decisions or investments, today is a favourable day to move forward. If you’ve been neglecting your wellness routines, consider recommitting to them today.

Number 2 (Born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th)

Take a moment in the morning to reflect on your journey and acknowledge the progress you’ve made. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, as this positive mindset will set the tone for the entire day. The money you’ve wisely invested in the past to secure a prosperous future is poised to yield fruitful results. Pay close attention to your inner guidance and trust your instincts, especially when faced with decisions or uncertainties.

Number 3: (Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th)

Today, your behaviour carries substantial weight in the dynamics of your family. It is crucial to tread lightly, as any misstep could create a void in your familial bonds. Take a moment to reflect on your words and actions, ensuring they emanate positivity and understanding. While it’s always flattering to receive attention, exercise caution and remain loyal to your commitments. This is an opportune time to channel your artistic inclinations and explore new avenues of expression.

Number 4 (Born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st)

Today is a reminder that certain issues can no longer be brushed aside. It’s time to confront those lingering problems that have been casting shadows over your path, be it professional or personal. Approach problem-solving with a positive outlook, and you’ll find that solutions present themselves more readily. Create a plan, prioritise tasks, and begin the process of resolution. This methodical approach will serve you well. 

Number 5 (Born on 5th, 14th, or 23rd)

Be open to unexpected twists and turns during the day. Colleagues may present diverse perspectives, and arguments may arise. Remember that your adaptability is a strength; it will allow you to find common ground and build bridges. Instead of being confrontational, approach discussions with an open mind and a willingness to understand diverse viewpoints. Use the day to reassess your priorities and realign your actions with your aspirations. 

Number 6: (Born on 6th, 15th, or 24th)

Your caring and supportive nature often makes you a go-to person for friends, family, and colleagues seeking solace and advice. However, today, you need to create a delicate balance between your commitments and personal well-being. The stars caution against impulsive commitments that may compromise your work or allow others to take advantage of your compassion. Setting boundaries will help build healthier and more sustainable connections.

Number 7 (Born on 7th, 16th, or 25th)

Buckle up for a day that may not unfold precisely as you plan but, nonetheless, promises enriching experiences. It’s a day to reconnect with your inner self and assess your spiritual and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that stimulate your intellect and broaden your perspective. Whether it’s reading a thought-provoking book or engaging in meaningful conversations, seek out opportunities to expand your mind.

Number 8: (Born on 8th, 17th, or 26th)

Exercise caution and discrimination when engaging with others. The appeal of social situations may be tempting, but you should be mindful of the potential consequences. Stay guarded and be cautious about sharing personal information or engaging in activities that could be misconstrued. Identify areas of your life that may require attention and work. By focusing on your personal growth, you will empower yourself to overcome any likely hurdles.

Number 9: (Born on 9th, 18th, or 27th)

You may encounter unexpected complications today at work. It could be a project not going as planned or communication breakdowns with colleagues. Your empathetic nature will be a source of strength, especially in relationships. If your partner or loved ones are going through a tough time, your supportive presence will make a significant difference. It’s a day to lend a listening ear and offer words of encouragement. Delay important decisions for now.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]