Google’s Gboard Releases Split Keyboard Mode In Beta For Foldable Android Phones

Google’s Gboard keyboard software for Android is said to be adding a split keyboard option, which will help users of foldable phones. According to another rumor, this functionality will be included in the beta version 11.9.04. Split keyboard mode is not a new feature for Z Fold owners, who can access it via the Samsung keyboard software.

The new split keyboard mode, on the other hand, will be a welcome addition for Android users who favor Gboard’s typing interface and auto-correct capabilities.

The split keyboard option for Gboard was initially reported by Android Central, who based their findings on the r/GalaxyFold subreddit, where users reported seeing the capability on their phones.

Split keyboard feature is already said to be present in Samsung’s Keyboard software

The split keyboard feature is already said to be present in Samsung’s Keyboard software, which comes pre-installed and activated by default on phones like the Galaxy Z Fold 3. However, the new functionality added to the Gboard keyboard app for Android will benefit users who favor Gboard over alternative typing interfaces.

All of the keys are much closer to the foldable phone’s edges

With the keyboard cut in half, all of the keys are much closer to the foldable phone’s edges, where your thumbs may naturally rest when holding the device. If users want to check it out for themselves, they may go to the app’s website in the Google Play Store on their smartphone and join up for the beta.

According to the source, this functionality will be included in the beta version 11.9.04. Users who see a split keyboard icon appear in the toolbar above your foldable’s on-screen keyboard may access the mode by tapping it. According to the article, this will split the keyboard in half, and a symbol that can put the two parts back together will take its place.