goods trailk derailed

  • German technology (BMBS) bogie mounted brake system has been fitted in 89% of the wagons
  • 70 accidents increase concern in Indian Railways in three months, speed reduced in Dedicated Friend Corridor

JAMSHEDPUR : After the engine collision of goods train at Salgajhari pass, the question has again come to the fore whether the incident happened due to signal overshoot or it was due to failure of (BMBS) bogie mounted brake system. However, technical experts are calling it an incident caused by signal overshoot. The loco pilot of the goods train was Janki Ballav Behera (JB Behera) of Kharagpur. Those who have become pilot (master) in 2021. Despite long experience, this lapse is being considered serious. Railway Board has sought a report on the accident from Chakradharpur and Kharagpur divisional headquarters, on which the Railway Board has sent a detailed report from Kharagpur CLI.

The co-driver was new with Janaki Ballav Behera. After joining the job, he went to duty on the second day itself. For this reason Railhunt is not disclosing his name. Signal overshoot is considered a serious lapse in railways and in most such cases the pilot has to undergo the penalty of Remove from service. DRM Chakradharpur AJ Rathore also called it prima facie a case of signal overshoot in the investigation. However, the Railways is investigating it, which will bring out the truth about the time and reasons for applying the braking system.

Now coming to the second major reason for the accident, the braking system which has been criticized by the officials in Indian Railways these days. it is Bogie Mounted Brake System (BMBS) imported from Knorr Company of Germany. This system has been installed in most of the railway wagons (89 percent) of goods trains. This sensor brake system with foreign technology is not considered compatible with Indian wagons and loco pilots believe that it is due to technical fault of this system. More than 70 accidents have happened in three months. Alam is that the speed of goods trains has to be limited to 50 kilometers per hour in the dedicated freight corridor known for its high speed. Then the question arises that what preparations were made before the use of technology? Will the government give speed to the railways like this?

It is said that RDSO Lucknow had also not agreed to this system by saying that it was not suitable for indigenous wagons, but due to the caucus sitting from top to bottom in the Railway Board, it was brought into implementation not only by telling the need of the present time, but also in a hurry. has been installed in more than 89 percent of the wagons. Although the railway officials are not ready to accept it as a system lapse, but after frequent accidents, the Railway Board has started taking post-duty feedback from loco pilots and guards about the system every day. Now the question arises that before launching a new technology why the users are not consulted?

Deficiencies in braking power came to the fore in the review of frequent accidents

The question was raised by the Research Design and Standards Organization (RDSO) in July 2022 on the bogie-mounted brake system (BMBS). It said that a committee report found deficiencies in the braking power of the system. After the collision of two goods trains in Sultanpur, questions were raised about the BMBS system. The braking system was then found to be ineffective in downhill. It was revealed in the RDSO report that the German made braking system has less braking force. However, it was not recommended to stop the operation of the braking system then because it had been installed in about 69 thousand wagons. The railways is working with German company Knorr-Bremse to fix the glitches in the system after frequent drivers’ dissatisfaction.

Loco drivers admitted in conversation with Railhunt that (BMBS) of Bogie Mounted Brake System The new application is increasing the braking time, causing lapses in judgment on the part of the driver. This foreign technology of instant brake application and release is not compatible with the wagons here. This problem is increasing. This often leads to incidents of signal overshoot, for which the pilot has to bear the brunt. This question is again in discussion after the new goods train accident in Tatanagar of Chakradharpur Railway Division of South Eastern Railway. After the accident, the inquiry committee has questioned the driver of the goods train. The guard has been called. On Saturday, February 18, 2023, at 7.30 am, the goods train got derailed and collided with the bogies of the goods train on the other line.



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