Golden triangle of drugs smuggling operating from UP: Business has spread to Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, 400 rupees medicine is sold for 400 dollars

25 minutes ago

Lucknow has become a big center of drug deals for the drug mafia of Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal. People associated with this business buy medicines from the medicine market and send them to America and Russia via Mexico. This black business runs from the dark web and in this the transaction of money is done with bitcoin. Recently, the Delhi Special Cell exposed the entire network by apprehending an Afghan paddler from Lucknow.

Drugs worth 80 crores were caught in UP only. Lucknow connection was found for every arrest. Delhi Police has caught drugs worth 300 crores from Lucknow. Drugs were being delivered to European countries through the dark web under the guise of a call center supplying fake and banned drugs from Alambagh, Lucknow.

UP STF has arrested 6 people related to this. 1300 tablets of Tramanof-p, Tramef- Ap, spasmo proxyvon have been recovered from accused Shahbaz Khan, Javed Khan, Shahid Ali Aryan Raj and Gautam Lama in the raid. Code words were also used to send medicines abroad. All these medicines are banned in all European countries including America.

Bhaskar talked to the STF officers who broke the chain of this gang. We understood this black business running from dark web. Let us first understand the dark web and then go to the bottom of this matter…

UP STF has told Shahbaz Khan, the kingpin of the gang supplying narcotics drugs through the dark web.

UP STF has told Shahbaz Khan, the kingpin of the gang supplying narcotics drugs through the dark web.

Dark web is a haven for illegal activities like drugs, weapons, terrorism
Dark web is a place where drugs, weapons, underworld, hacking, terror funding and all illegal things happen. According to experts, the common people i.e. we and you use the Internet, it is only 5 to 10% of the Internet world. It’s called the Surface Web. The rest 90 to 95% is the dark web. It is not indexed on search engines.

Requires anonymity tools and special browsers to use
The dark web cannot be accessed normally. For this, the user has to use a special browser by changing his IP address. Along with this, some special types of anonymity tools i.e. tools that keep user’s identity private and VPN have to be used for surfing. Then through this criminals do many dangerous things like human trafficking, drug smuggling, child trafficking. Through this, even poisons like cyanide are sold.

The domain name of a website on the dark web ends with .onion.

The domain name of a website on the dark web ends with .onion.

Website extension does not have .com or .in behind it, .Onion is there
On the dark web it is almost impossible to find out how many websites are there and who uses them for what purpose. It is very difficult to find out who is selling or buying what to whom. All transactions are done in crypto currency. Because of this, no one can tell who is sending how much amount to whom.

The domain names of these websites are fully secured and encrypted. Behind their extension there is no .com or .in but .Onion.

The dark web was created by the US military for its convenience
The dark web started in the 90s. It was created by the US military to get information privately from its intelligence agents spread around the world. Due to fewer people on the dark web, information was leaked. Due to this, America has also released the dark web to the common people so that the information is not leaked under any circumstances.

The US Army made this Tor browser, which is considered to be the root of the dark web.

The US Army made this Tor browser, which is considered to be the root of the dark web.

now, Those supplying banned medicines abroad through the dark web know the working of the gang of Lucknow…

Extracts the data of foreign nationals looking for drugs and contacts them
Amit Kumar Singh, DSP of UP STF, who broke the chain of this network, said, “Criminals prepare lists of people looking for drugs online in the US, Russia and Mexico through the dark web. Then there and deal with them by contacting them.

By erasing the batch number of narcotic drugs, supply by ship
DSP Amit Kumar said, “Some narcotic drugs are banned abroad. But not in India. However, in India also they are not available without a prescription. The business gang gets these medicines without a prescription through their special supply chain. Then the batch number of the medicine is given.”

Buying and selling drugs in the dark web is one of the biggest crimes.

Buying and selling drugs in the dark web is one of the biggest crimes.

He further said, “These gangs supply medicines up to Rs 400 to foreign countries at the cost of $ 400. This supply is done by post ship. Medicines are shipped stuffed in things like toys. To trace the 6 criminals who have been caught so far, we have focused more on the way they are supplied with the dark web. After interrogating the arrested criminals, we will soon arrest the big operators and reach out to the international gang.”

Delhi Police recovered 312 kg of drugs from godown in Lucknow
Drugs worth 1200 crores were recovered from a godown in Lucknow by the Special Cell of Delhi Police. CP HGS Dhaliwal said, “Two Afghan nationals, Mustafa and Rahim Ullah, who have been residing in India since 2016, have been arrested. Their network was spread from Lucknow in UP to NCR. Based on the information they gave in custody, they were arrested in Lucknow. 600 bags were recovered from a godown, containing 312.5 kg of methamphetamine drug and 10 kg of heroin.

Lucknow drug dealer used to give customer details and location
According to STF sources, a drug smuggler was caught on Lucknow Shaheed Path recently. He was a resident of Mumbai Goregaon West Motinagar. According to him, he used to sell drugs from Lucknow to Kanpur, Agra, Varanasi and other districts. These drugs were provided to him by a Tauheed drug dealer from Lucknow.

He was told over the phone the customers and the place of delivery. According to him, he had also given mephedrone drugs to Mukeem, Yash and Rohit in Lucknow. After this, Kanpur was going with supplies. Tauheed will tell the address of the dealer when he reaches Kanpur. These people used to supply these drugs to the night party club. Tauheed also supplies goods to other people in Mumbai.

Mephedrone, an expensive drug sold in Mumbai, now in UP
During interrogation, the accused told that there is a high demand for mephedrone in Mumbai. Which is used extensively in big clubs, parties and in the film industry. Now its demand here has also increased in UP and Uttarakhand. Mephedrone can be easily made in a kitchen lab. That’s why it is called artificial cocaine. This intoxicant can be inhaled, smoked and even taken with drinks.

Input: Anuj Shukla and Ashish Urmalia’s report from Lucknow

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