godse: Outfit To Hold ‘godse Gathas’ To Eulogize Bapu’s Assassin | Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: A right-wing outfit, which had erected the bust of Mahatma Gandhi’s killer Nathuram Godse, is continuing with its programmes to eulogize the assassin.
Hindu Sena, an outfit based in Jamnagar, had recently organized ‘Godse Gatha,’ where an audio recording of Godse’s last statement, which was given in the court, is played in someone else’s voice. The event was organized at the house of one of the organization members on January 1.
Practice Bhatt, president of Hindu Sena, said “There is a statement of ‘Mahatma Godse’ which he gave in the court on November 8, 1949. We have an audio recording of this statement in somebody’s voice. This statement proves his patriotism.”
Bhatt said the first Godse Gatha was organized on the terrace of outfit member Bhavesh Thummar in Krishna Nagar area on January 1 and society residents were also invited to join.
“We plan to continue this event and we also have invitations from three to four places in Jamnagar to organize this Gatha at their premises,” Bhatt claimed.
The outfit members had erected the bust of Godse near Jamnagar in November, but it was razed by local Congress leaders. The members were also booked by the police then.
Police sources said they are keeping a close eye on the outfit’s activities.
