Goddess came in aunt, killed niece with sword: women who are making suppressed desires, mental patients, Jharkhand and Odisha have the highest number of cases

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  • Women
  • Mental Patients Making Women With Suppressed Desires, Jharkhand And Odisha Have The Highest Number Of Cases

New Delhi15 hours agoAuthor: Aishwarya Sharma

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In Dungarpur, Rajasthan, a 16-year-old aunt killed a 7-year-old niece by slitting her neck with a sword. The family members told that the worship of the mother was going on in the house. Then the goddess came in the accused minor and after that this incident happened. Such incidents are often seen due to superstition. This movie is like a ‘maze’. Like suddenly Vidya Balan becomes Manjulika.

Is there really a goddess in women or is there a mental disorder? Let me tell you.

Not ghosts, such people live in illusion

Psychiatrist Dr Binda Singh told Woman Bhaskar that due to superstition in the society, such incidents are often seen. In fact, there is no such thing as a ghost. If a person says that a ghost, ghost or goddess is coming in him, then he is mentally ill. Such a person lives in illusion. Most of the patients suffer from depression.

Read further, how can conversion disorder make a woman a criminal?

If stress increases, then conversion disorder occurs.

Rajeev Mehta, a psychiatrist at Delhi’s Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, told that when a woman’s stress increases, she can be a victim of conversion disorder. This disorder was earlier called hysteria. When a woman’s feelings are suppressed, tension increases in her. Often in our society, women keep silent and bear everything. It affects their mind.

Those who do not like, they can be attacked

Patients with conversion disorder can go to any extent. Can commit murder. Dr. Rajeev Mehta says that he can even attack people whom he does not like. This disease is curable. Something bad must have happened in the past of such patients. This disease is treated with counseling and medicine.

The restrictions imposed on women have spoiled their mental health. How, let me tell you.

Men are 6% and women 12% suffer from depression.

Men are 6% and women 12% suffer from depression.

Restrictions on women after Vedic period

Writer Dr. R. Achal, who lives in Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, told that many types of restrictions were imposed on women since the Vedic period. Smritis were written to control women. It was clearly written that women should be under the protection of father, husband and son. There was a difference in the upbringing of a son and daughter in the house. Girls were taught from childhood that they have to stay at home, that they are weak and their desires have no meaning. All this bondage makes them a victim of depression.

At the same time, since childhood, they get to hear things like ghosts and goddesses around them. These things keep going on in their sub-conscious mind (subconscious mind). When there is a puja, a religious program or a festival, the women suffering from depression start doing strange things, due to which people say that the goddess has come in them. Actually she is very emotional and to get respect her mind starts behaving like that.

More such cases are seen in Jharkhand and Odisha

Such cases are seen more in Jharkhand and Odisha. The author Dr. R. Achal said this. He said that such cases do not happen in North East India because there women have been kept at par with men. Superstitions like goddesses, ghosts and ghosts are seen not only in Hinduism but also in other religions.

In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association recognized hysteria as a mental disorder.

In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association recognized hysteria as a mental disorder.

The first case was found in Egypt in the 19th century

Conversion disorder was previously called hysteria. It is derived from the Greek word meaning uterus. This disease first appeared in 1900 BC. Found in the young women of Egypt. The cause of this mental illness was attributed to the uterus. Egyptian physicians used to put strong perfumed ingredients in the private parts of women so that their uterus would function properly.

Also mentioned in Greek mythology

In Greek mythology, the Argonaut was a physician named Melampus. He noticed the hysteria in the girls. He introduced girls to boys. This pacified the anger of the women. According to Melampus, women had to disturb their uterus because their physical needs were not being met.

When superstition overwhelms life

Burari Murder: Four years ago in Burari, Delhi, 11 people hanged themselves together. According to the police, the incident took place due to superstition. The family had performed rituals before he died. The police had found a register in which the written words matched the manner of death. The family members did not want to die. He hoped that by following the path shown by his father who had passed away, he would get salvation but would not die.

Daughters’ lives: In the year 2021, parents took the lives of their two daughters in Andhra Pradesh. The bodies of both the children were recovered from the house of worship. The couple said that God had told them to do this. So he abandoned his daughters.

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