Girls, boys sitting together in classes against Indian culture: Kerala leader Vellappally Natesan

Image Source : PTI/REPRESENTATIVE Girls, boys sitting together in classes against Indian culture: Kerala leader Vellappally Natesan


  • Vellappally Natesan said girls and boys sitting together in class was “against Indian culture”.
  • Natesan is considered to be very close to Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.
  • He said such things are happening in educational institutions managed by the NSS.

Kerala news: Leader of Kerala’s numerically strong Hindu Ezhava community Vellappally Natesan has said girls and boys sitting together in classrooms was “against Indian culture” and “breeds anarchy”.

He was responding to queries from media persons here on Sunday regarding the LDF government’s gender-neutral policy of the same uniforms for both girls and boys and in co-ed schools where students of both sexes are taught together.

Natesan, considered to be very close to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, said, “We (SNDP) are not in favor of girls and boys sitting together in classrooms. We have a culture of our own. We are not living in America or England.” “Our culture does not accept boys and girls hugging and sitting together. You do not see this happening in educational institutions of Christians and Muslims,” the SNDP general secretary said.

He, however, said such things are happening in educational institutions managed by the Nair Service Society (NSS) and Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam (SNDP). NSS and SNDP are two major Hindu caste outfits in the state.

Such behavior “breeds anarchy” and you can see that in the colleges managed by Hindu organizations, he said and added that it was one of the reasons why such institutions do not get good grades or funding from the University Grants Commission (UGC).

He further said that those below 18 years of age or young adults in colleges should not be sitting together and hugging each other when they are still studying.

Once the children grow up and attain maturity, they can do whatever they want, Natesan said. However, children sitting together, and hugging each other is not desirable in India and it is dangerous, he said.

Natesan also said that it was unfortunate that the LDF dispensation was succumbing to religious pressure, despite calling itself a secular government, and not sticking to some of its decisions of late.

“It sends a wrong message to society,” he said. He was referring to the recent government announcement that it was not going to decide what uniforms children should wear or whether they should attend mixed schools after facing criticism from various Muslim organizations regarding their gender-neutral education policy.

Also Read: Girls can marry without parents’ consent after attaining puberty under Muslim Laws: Delhi High Court

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