Girl dies due to burns on warmer in hospital: 21-day-old daughter was admitted in NICU, father got scorched, family fury

BhilwaraOne hour ago

A 21-day-old girl died due to high temperature in the warmer at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital in Bhilwara. A child got burnt. The baby was kept in the NICU due to low weight. When the father standing outside the NICU went to see the daughter, his senses were blown away.

Pappu Vaishnav, a resident of Marmi village of Chittorgarh, told that the daughter was born on October 5. He was admitted to MCHC on 10 October due to ill health. After the examination, the doctors kept the girl in the NICU after she lost her weight. Two contract workers were on duty in the NICU during the night. He told that when he went to his daughter at three o’clock on Tuesday night, she got scorched. The girl got burnt due to overheating of the warmer. By the time the doctors saw him, he was already dead.

The 21-day-old girl was admitted from Chittorgarh to Bhilwara after she lost weight. He died of burns in the hospital.

Relatives accuse staff of negligence
The girl was accompanied by her mother, uncle and aunt. Everyone used to stay in the hospital one by one. He was blown away at the news of his daughter’s death. Mother was in a bad condition crying. The family created a ruckus in the hospital and alleged negligence. The family members said that during the night, the staff in the ICU did not pay attention to the children. This resulted in the death of the girl.

Another child scorched in the ICU
Another child admitted in the ICU itself also suffered severe burns. The aunt of the child told that she had gone to the child at night. There were many scars on the child’s skin due to burns. Complained to ward staff. Nobody listened to him. After this, when the death of the girl child was found in the hospital, the staff could not answer. The aunt told that the child’s treatment is going on.

The second innocent admitted in the ICU has also suffered a lot.  He is undergoing treatment.

The second innocent admitted in the ICU has also suffered a lot. He is undergoing treatment.

Team of doctors formed for investigation
On the information of the matter, the hospital superintendent Dr. Arun Gaur constituted a team of doctors for investigation. He also terminated the services of the contract workers.

Action will be taken after investigation
Dr. Devkishan Sargara, in-charge of the MCHC center, told that the girl was on a warmer in the ICU. He died of burns. At the same time, another child has got serious burns. The family went away with the dead body without postmortem. the matter is being investigated.

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