Ghaziabad: Action after 200-plus trees are cut

The Ghaziabad forest department has registered a case against the horticulture department of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam for chopping around 200-300 varieties of trees in Sector 3 and 4 of  Raj Nagar without requisite permissions, officials said.

According to forest department, a case has been registered against horticulture department officials based on lawyer and environmentalist Akash Vashistha’s complaint, who is a resident of Raj Nagar. “In the given case, a large number of trees were felled and we have registered a case under appropriate sections of the Uttar Pradesh Protection of Trees Act, 1976,” said Ashutosh Pandey, sub-divisional officer, forest department, Ghaziabad.

However, Dr Anuj Singh, the horticulture in-charge of the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam, said: “We are not aware of any case registered against the department at the moment. However, if and when it comes to our knowledge we will take action against those responsible.”

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