‘Gay’ Prince Married: Gujarat’s gay prince Manvendra Singh marries his friend Richardson in America

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  • Gujarat Gay Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil Marry With His Partner Richards In A Church Of Ohio

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Gay prince of Gujarat Manvendra Singh Gohil has married his gay friend. He married DeAndre Richardson on July 6, 2022, at a church in Columbus, Ohio. DeAndre Richardson has given this information on his social media account. Prince Manvendra Singh and DeAndre Richardson have been living together for many years. Andrew Richardson has also shared wedding photos and marriage registration certificates on social media.

DeAndre Richardson has given information about the marriage on his social media account.

DeAndre Richardson has given information about the marriage on his social media account.

Manvendra Singh born in royal family
Manvendra Singh is the son of former Maharaja Raghuveer Singh Rajendra Singh and former Queen Rukmini Devi of Rajpipla princely state. He did his schooling at Mumbai Scots School, while he graduated from Amritben Jeevanlal College, located in the Mumbai Mithibai College campus. He once said in an emotional post about divorce from his wife that his married life was not pleasant and he also repented that he spoiled the life of a girl.

Deandre Richardson has given information on social media account.

Deandre Richardson has given information on social media account.

In 2006, he had confessed to being ‘gay’.
In 2006, Manvendra gave an interview to a local newspaper. Told in this interview that he is gay. She is the first member of any Royal Family of India who publicly spoke about her homosexuality. It sounds hysteric, but there was a lot of ruckus at that time.

He has converted his heritage palace into a studio for resort and film shooting.

He has converted his heritage palace into a studio for resort and film shooting.

‘Gay’ center opened in his palace
In 2018, Gohil opened his palace to members of the ‘gay’ community when the Supreme Court removed Section 377 and made homosexual relationships out of the purview of crime. This was the same palace from where he had been thrown out years ago. Now they have converted their heritage palace into a resort and studio for film shooting. In the year 2007, Manvendra has participated in the well-known American show The Opera Winfrey. In the BBC’s “Under Cover Prince” program in 2009, he spent several days in the bungalow with some of his friends, revealing many aspects of the life of the royal family.

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