Fraudster caught posing as PMO officer in Gujarat: Had got admission of two children,

15 minutes ago

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In Gujarat’s Vadodara, a person pretending to be an officer of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) got two children admitted in a private school. After this, the accused also tried to cheat. On suspicion, the school management lodged a complaint against the accused, a resident of Vadodara. After this the police arrested the accused Mayank Tiwari.

Admission of both the children was done by luring the school trustee
According to the police, the arrested accused introduced himself to the school management as a strategic advisor to the PMO. After this, he asked the trustee of the school about the admission of two children. The accused told the school people that his family friend is getting transferred, his two children have to be admitted in your school.

The accused lured the trustee of the school that he could get this school included in the field of education research and get many projects done. After this the school management gave admission to both the children.

The school management inquired then the accused was exposed
A few months after the admission of the children, the school management started collecting information about the accused Mayank Tiwari. The trustee of the school questioned many people about the accused, then it was found that Mayank is not a PMO official. After this the school lodged a complaint with the police after which the thug was caught.

Kiran Patel, who impersonated as a PMO officer, has been caught earlier as well.
This is not the first case of cheating by posing as a fake PMO officer. Earlier, Kiran Patel, a resident of Ahmedabad, posing as a senior official of the PMO, had stayed in a five-star hotel in Jammu and Kashmir. Here he also got security cover. This gangster from Ahmedabad used to drive on a bulletproof vehicle with Z+ security. Kiran Patel had cheated many businessmen in the name of getting them different projects.

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