Four girls died in Lucknow children’s home in five days: CMO said – there were no proper arrangements to protect them from cold, superintendent suspended; there will be a magisterial inquiry

LucknowOne hour ago

In Lucknow, four girl children died in five days in the government children’s home. It is suspected that due to lack of proper care in the children’s home, the children caught cold due to which they died. When the CMO arrived with the investigation team on Thursday, they found flaws in many places. However, the exact cause of the deaths is yet to be ascertained. The Child Home Superintendent has been suspended in the case. A magisterial inquiry has also been ordered. A two-month-old baby girl is on ventilator in the children’s home.

The child is under the supervision of doctors
Dr. RP Singh, CMS of Civil Hospital told that 2-month-old baby girl Moon is on ventilator. Its weight is two kilos. A child of two kilos is very weak. When the child was brought to the hospital, the condition of the child was critical. But, at this time the child is undergoing treatment. The condition of the girl child is stable on ventilator. The child is under the supervision of doctors in the pediatric department.

Child Protection Commission member Anita Aggarwal told that Antara, Lakshmi, Ayushi and Deepa of the children’s home have died, while Moon is undergoing treatment. Apart from this, another girl child was rescued in Prayagraj on Tuesday itself. Earlier the treatment of the child was going on in SGPGI, now it is going on in Lokbandhu Hospital. There is a big wound in the back of the girl.

Not enough arrangements to protect from cold
The CMO team that arrived to investigate the children’s home claims that there were not enough arrangements to protect the innocent from the cold. Due to lack of proper care in December-January, the children fell prey to cold. He got pneumonia. The civil hospital administration also says that the children were brought in critical condition. DPO Vikas Singh has ordered a magisterial inquiry along with postmortem.

Along with this, an immediate report has been sought while issuing a show cause notice to the Child Home Superintendent. Dinesh Rawat has been made in-charge to supervise the arrangements of the children’s home. In the case, the children’s home management says that the girls were brought to the children’s home in critical condition.

Answer-summoned from the Superintendent of Children’s Home
The DPO has issued a show cause notice to Child Home Superintendent Kinshuk Tripathi and sought a reply by Thursday. Said that there has been no negligence on the part of the children’s home at the level of treatment. When the children fell ill, they were immediately taken to the hospital and treated. However, why the children are not able to survive, only doctors will be able to tell. Nevertheless, at what level the negligence has taken place in the children’s home, action will be taken against the culprits after investigating it.

Four deaths happened like this
When Antara was brought to the children’s home, she was 10 to 15 days old. He died on 10 February. Earlier she was admitted from 19 to 28 January. After being discharged, he was admitted again when his health deteriorated. About 15 days old Lakshmi, who was brought to the children’s home in December, was not feeling well since then. Meanwhile, he continued to be treated.

On January 23, he was admitted to the Civil Hospital after he developed fever again. He died during treatment on 11 February. Ayushi was also brought in in December, when she was 16 days old. On losing weight, he was shown to KGMU and Civil Hospital. On the morning of February 8, the doctor again examined him. He was admitted to the hospital after his health deteriorated at night.

He was having trouble breathing. He died on 12 February. Similarly, when Deepa was brought in in December, she was 20 days old. He had pneumonia. Meanwhile, he was also diagnosed with Thalassemia. He was admitted to the hospital several times.

Admitted on January 23 due to fever. He also died on Tuesday. On the other hand, the bone marrow test of one and a half month old baby Moon, who came four-five days ago, has been done. His platelets were continuously decreasing.

A total of 75 children are living in the children’s home.
Children from newborn to ten years are kept in the Government Children’s Home. It is operated by the Women’s Welfare Department. Destitute, abandoned newborns are kept here on the orders of the Child Welfare Committee.

At present, a total of 75 children including 28 newborns are living in this children’s home. They are nurtured by the Women’s Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. Stray babies found anywhere in the city are kept here. From their treatment to catering, all the responsibilities are of this children’s home.

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