Flu cases are increasing across the country: fear among people due to symptoms like corona

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  • Flu Cases Are Increasing Across The Country, Fear Among People Due To Symptoms Like Corona

5 minutes ago

For the last two months, cases of flu are increasing in many parts of India including the capital Delhi. After the corona epidemic, people are afraid of increasing cases of flu, because symptoms similar to corona are being seen in patients suffering from it. In the last few days, many such patients have reached the hospital from Delhi and surrounding areas, who are suffering from cough with high fever for the last 10-12 days.

At the same time, in the report of ICMR, it was told that for the last two-three months, a sub-type of influenza virus H3N2 (H3N2) is spreading. Symptoms of this strain have been found in people in many parts of the country.

These symptoms seen in the patient
Sushila Kataria, Senior Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Medanta Hospital, said that these patients are infected with the H3N2 strain of Influenza A virus. Sushila said that such problems are seen in the common symptoms of flu. The patient has high fever for 2-3 days. There is pain in the body, headache, burning sensation in the throat, besides this, the patient is having continuous cough for two consecutive weeks.

Primus Sleep and Critical Care Medicine Department Head S.K. Talking to news agency IANS, Chhabra said that along with viral fever, serious lung problems like cold, cough and bronchitis are being seen in the patients. At the same time, cases of chest tightness and viral infection are also being seen.

Experts say that people with weak immunity are more at risk of flu. Apart from this, the problems of asthma patients or lung infection patients can increase. At the same time, the elderly, pregnant women and children also need to be careful with it. Avoid going to polluted places to avoid flu.

Take these precautions to avoid flu

  • See a doctor if you have breathing problems.
  • Get the flu vaccine that protects against the virus.
  • Maintain cleanliness, keep washing hands with soap and avoid touching mouth and nose.
  • Keep drinking water to avoid dehydration.

How long does flu last?
Although the flu gets cured within a week, but if there are any other complications in the body then it can affect other organs as well. Some people also get the flu vaccine regularly to avoid it.

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