Flight trial of Naval Based Endo-Atmospheric Interceptor Missile successful: We join countries that have capability to attack from sea

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  • We Joined The Countries That Have The Capability To Attack From The Sea.

New Delhi8 minutes ago

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The first flight trial of the ship-launched Ballistic Missile Defense System (BDM) was successfully conducted in the Bay of Bengal.

DRDO and the Indian Navy successfully conducted the first flight trial of the ship-launched Ballistic Missile Defense System (BDM) in the Bay of Bengal on 21 April. The objective of this test is to neutralize the threat of an enemy ballistic missile. With this, India has joined the elite club of countries that have Naval Based BDM capability. Earlier this missile was successfully tested from the ground. It is an endo-atmospheric interceptor missile.

Will be able to stop long range atomic missiles
BMDs are capable of intercepting incoming long-range nuclear missiles and enemy aircraft including AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System). Defense Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the Indian Navy and the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for the successful demonstration of the capabilities of the ship-based Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system.

range not detected
India is developing the capability to intercept enemy ballistic missiles inside and outside the Earth’s atmospheric limits. Endo-atmospheric missiles are those that operate within the Earth’s atmosphere and cover an altitude of less than 100 km. According to experts, exo-atmospheric missiles are capable of carrying out missions in the uppermost region of the Earth’s atmosphere.
The range of the missile tested on Friday is not yet known.

First flight test of AD-1 was done in November
In November, India successfully conducted the first flight test of the Phase-II ballistic missile defense interceptor AD-1, which is capable of intercepting many different types of targets.
The AD-1 is a long-range interceptor missile designed to intercept both long-range “low exo-atmospheric” and “endo-atmospheric” ballistic missiles and aircraft.

Also read this news related to missile test:

Navy tests BrahMos from a ship: The missile hit the target accurately in the Arabian Sea; Sukhoi was tested 2 months ago

Indian Navy has successfully tested BrahMos from its ship in the Arabian Sea. BrahMos missile with DRDO-designed booster carried out precision strike on target in Arabian Sea. The missile was tested from Battleship Kolkata.

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