First time like this in the country: Hyderabad doctors removed 156 kidney stones without major surgery, these stones were made in 2 years

Hyderabad22 minutes ago

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City doctors removed more than 156 stones from a patient’s kidney. The special thing is that he did not do any major surgery for this. For this the help of laparoscopy and endoscopy was taken. Renal Care Facility Urology and Kidney Hospital claims that for the first time in the country so many kidney stones have been removed without major surgery.

sudden pain
According to the hospital- the female patient is a resident of Hubli and is a school teacher in Basavaraj. He got the examination done after suddenly having severe stomach pain. It was found that there is a stone in the kidney. These stones happened in 2 years. It was a very difficult job. The doctors were also surprised to see so many stones.

Another special thing in this case is that the stones are usually near the urinary tract. In this case it was with the abdomens. So it was not easy to remove them. But, the team of doctors successfully removed them.

What is endoscopy and laparoscopy
In endoscopy, the movements inside the body are viewed on a screen with the help of an endoscope device. In this, a long, thin and flexible tube is inserted through the open part of the body. During this type of hole surgery, the endoscope is inserted into the body by making a small incision on the body.

Laparoscope is also a type of endoscope. It is used in laparoscopic surgery. Small incisions are made during the surgery, which reduces pain and helps the patient recover quickly.

Dr V Chandramohan, Managing Director of the hospital said – Stones must have been forming in the patient’s stomach since last year, but he never felt any symptoms. He got the test done after suddenly having stomach pain. In this it came to know about kidney stone.

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