Fire broke out in Satpura Bhawan in Bhopal: Starting from the third floor, the flames reached the sixth floor, the building was evacuated

Bhopal6 minutes ago

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So far the cause of the fire has not been known.

A fire broke out on Monday evening at Satpura Bhawan, opposite Vallabh Bhawan in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. The fire first started on the third floor, which spread to the sixth floor. How fierce the fire is, it can be gauged from the fact that the flames and smoke rising in the building can be seen from a distance. At present, it is not known how the fire started.

Due to this incident of fire, a situation of commotion was created in Satpura Bhawan. Smoke filled the entire building. The building has been evacuated for security reasons. There was a crowd of officers and employees in the premises. The municipal fire brigade team is trying to control the fire. SDRF has also been called to control the fire.

The fire started from the office of the Scheduled Tribe Regional Development Scheme located on the third floor of the Satpura building. It engulfed the Directorate of Health located on the fourth floor. The flames are going up to the fifth and sixth floors of the Health Directorate.

The flames continued to rise from the third floor to the sixth floor.

The flames continued to rise from the third floor to the sixth floor.

Fire raging from old furniture and papers

A few months ago, interior decoration and renovation work was done in the health department. During this, old wooden cupboards and other furniture were removed on a large scale. Those who were kept in the Directorate of Health. The fire reached this old wooden waste material. Because of this, the fire brigade personnel have to struggle to extinguish the fire.

Three IAS officers sit in Satpura Bhavan

Three IAS officers sit in the Satpura building where the fire broke out. The Director of Tribal Regional Development Scheme sits on the third floor, the Health Director sits on the 5th floor and the Health Commissioner sits on the 6th floor.

After the fire, there was chaos on the spot.  All the employees were thrown out.  The entire building was evacuated.

After the fire, there was chaos on the spot. All the employees were thrown out. The entire building was evacuated.

burn important documents

There is a possibility of burning important documents of Tribal and Health Department due to fire. The reason for the fire has not been revealed.

Smoke filled the entire building.  Fire brigade personnel kept extinguishing the fire.

Smoke filled the entire building. Fire brigade personnel kept extinguishing the fire.

Congress expressed apprehension of conspiracy
The Congress has expressed apprehension of a conspiracy behind the Satpura Bhavan fire. Former minister Arun Yadav tweeted and said – Is there a conspiracy to burn the documents of scams on the pretext of fire?

Former minister PC Sharma has said that if there is a fire in the government record building before the elections in any state, then it means that the government has gone. Sins were removed. Shivraj ji and his government are having a good time.

Atul Sharma of Aam Aadmi Party has said that questions are being raised due to the fire in Satpura Bhavan. He said that the fire started or was set. Before leaving the government, the evidence of all the irregularities and scams has been erased.

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