FIR against Lal Club in Lalbazar over Boeing death

Lalbazar has lodged an FIR against the Lake Club in connection with the deaths of two teenagers while they were boating at Rabindra Sarobar. The father of one of the two teenagers who died while boarding a Boeing has approached the police alleging negligence against the club. The case has been filed on its basis. Club officials said they would assist the police in all possible ways in the investigation.

On May 21, two teenagers named Pushan Sadhukhan and Souradip Chattopadhyay went to practice Boeing for inter-school competition at Rabindra Sarobar. Sauradip’s father has lodged a complaint of negligence against the club with the police. Lalbazar has started investigation on its basis. Souradip’s father Sauvik Chatterjee said, “I have not made any specific complaint against anyone. I have complained about the negligence. It is the job of the police to find out who is responsible. I want a proper investigation into my son’s death. ‘ Lalbazar and KMDA have already sent SOPs to the clubs to avoid accidents due to the Boeing incident. It has informed the clubs on behalf of Lalbazar what measures should be taken or what should be done to avoid accidents.

According to the SOP, clubs need to have a specially trained rower. In addition, water ambulances, rescue boats should be kept. Moreover, if the weather is bad, the water stops flowing. The clubs have been told to keep in touch with the meteorological department to know the nature of the weather. Lalbazar and KMDA had earlier held a meeting with the club officials in this regard. The SOP has been fixed accordingly.