Father left on foot carrying son’s body on shoulder: Ambulance not found in Prayagraj’s SRN Hospital; The soldiers saw it and helped

Prayagraj5 hours ago

A video of a father carrying his son’s body on his shoulder has surfaced in Prayagraj. After walking for 15 kilometers, the army personnel provided the vehicle and sent it home. Bajrangi’s 12-year-old son Shubham, a resident of Karchana tehsil, was scorched due to electrocution.

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Shubham was being treated at Swarooprani Nehru ie SRN Hospital. After the death, the father asked for an ambulance to take the son’s body, but he could not get an ambulance to take the body from the hospital to the house.

Bajrangi said, “I sought help from doctors to take the son’s body, but no one helped.”

People walking on the road made a video
Due to the exhaustion of all the money in the treatment, Bajrangi started carrying the son’s body on his shoulder and taking it home. Despite this, the heart of the hospital staff and doctors did not sweat. People walking on the road kept making videos, but no one came forward to help.

Bajrangi had walked for 15 kilometers with the dead body. Then some soldiers of the army saw him quite in front of Naini, then provided the car. After the video surfaced, the commissioner has directed the CMO to investigate.

Shubham was badly burnt due to electrocution.  (file photo)

Shubham was badly burnt due to electrocution. (file photo)

Shubham was burnt by the current
Bajrangi Yadav lives in Semarha Deh village of Karchana tehsil. Bajrangi’s 12-year-old son Shubham had gone to the temple in the village itself. There he got electrocuted. He was badly burnt by this. He was admitted to SRN for treatment on Tuesday night. Shubham died during treatment. After this the body was sent for post-mortem.

After the post-mortem, Bajrangi wanted to take his son’s body to the village. But, he had no money left. He told the hospital staff and doctors, “Get some vehicle or an ambulance to take the son’s body home.”

Bajrangi himself talked to some ambulance people, then everyone started asking for the fare. After this Bajrangi could see no way out. It was also a compulsion to take the son’s body home. In the end, he put the dead body on his shoulder and walked towards the village on foot.

Commissioner said – will get the matter investigated
When the video of this incident surfaced, Commissioner Vijay Vishwas Pant said, “A high-level inquiry will be conducted in this. Whoever is guilty, action will be taken against him. Whatever relief can be given to the victim’s family from the government level, will be provided.”

CMO Dr. Nanak Saran said in the matter, “I have come to know from the DM. This is a serious matter. We have formed teams to investigate the whole matter. Strict action will be taken against whoever is guilty.”

Nodal of ambulance said – I do not know anything
Ambulance nodal and deputy CMO Dr. Jaikishan Sonkar is not aware of this matter. On Dainik Bhaskar’s question, he said that he does not know anything about this. It is the responsibility of the hospital administration to send the body home from the hospital.”

Committee will investigate under the chairmanship of SDM Meja
An inquiry committee has been formed under the chairmanship of SDM Meja. Tomorrow i.e. by August 4, the investigation report has to be given to the DM. On the other hand, Dr. SP Singh, Principal of Motilal Nehru Medical College has given his report to the DM. The principal has written that between August 1 and 3, no patient of electrocution was admitted to our hospital.

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