Farmer’s son got a package of 1 crore: got a job in Amazon, said – after seeing the hard work of parents, thought of becoming an IITian

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  • Received An Annual Package Of 1.06 Crores, Said; Seeing The Struggle Of Parents, Thought, Whatever Happens, I Want To Become An IITian.

Sikar4 hours agoAuthor: Satveer Singh

Saurabh Kulhari of Jhunjhunu has received an annual package of 1.06 crores in the London office of Amazon Company. Saurabh will look after the work of software developer at Amazon. His parents do agriculture. The journey of Saurabh Kulhari, who got a job in Amazon, from birth to getting a job, is quite interesting. He got dengue before the interview in Amazon, despite the weakness, he gave the interview and got success. Read, Saurabh’s full story, in his own words…

Mother and father gave good education in their capacity, so took a vow
I did my early schooling in my village Malsisar. Farmer’s parents Chandrakala Devi and Rajesh Kulhari enrolled in a school in Jhunjhunu for good education. Even after the financial condition of the family was not strong, my parents worked hard day and night to teach me. In such a situation, as soon as I passed the 10th examination, I had thought that whatever happens, I have to fulfill the dreams of my parents.

Saurabh Kulhari with his father.

Grandmother was there in Sikar, never felt old
When I was in 10th standard, at the same time two daughters of my aunt came to Sikar and started preparing for IIT and NEET. In such a situation, my parents decided to get me also IIT. As soon as I passed 10th, I was sent to Sikar to study. My grandmother Mankori Devi also stayed with me for two years. She used to complete all the work for me and herself on time. Seeing her energy and enthusiasm, it never seemed that she was an elderly woman. Due to this my full focus was on studies and I got selected in IIT Kanpur. This is my last year in IIT.

When grandfather died, morale was broken, Nana encouraged
I was most attached to my grandfather Sanwalram Kulhari in the family. He died of illness about 3 years ago. In such a situation, it also had a great impact on my studies. After a few days I went to my maternal home. Where my maternal grandfather Shivnarayan Kaswan kept him with him for about 1 month and also paid full attention to my studies. After that I came back to the village and started studying.

Dengue happened before meeting in Amazon
I got dengue before the interview in Amazon. I came dengue positive on 8th November. The doctor told me to take full rest. Completely bed rest for about 20 days. Due to dengue infection, platelets also reached 64 thousand. On the evening of November 28, an interview mail came from the Amazon company. The interview was to be held on 2 December. Gave an interview, got an offer of 1 crore and I agreed.

Will join amazon next year
Right now I am studying in IIT Kanpur. Next year after completing my studies, I will join a job in Amazon. Even before this, a package of 50 lakhs has been received in APT Portfolio Company.

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