Farmers in Punjab’s election fray for the first time: will become king or king maker; effective vote bank in 77 seats; Big challenge of political parties in rural areas

Chandigarh3 minutes agoAuthor: Manish Sharma

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For the first time in Punjab elections, farmers are in the political arena. After the success of the farmers’ movement, 22 organizations have formed the United Samaj Morcha. Through which he will contest on 117 seats. Kisan vote bank is effective in 77 out of 117 assembly seats in Punjab. All these seats are from rural or urban-rural part. In such a situation, there is a big question whether farmers will become political king or king maker in Punjab. Due to the support received during the farmers’ movement, there has been a stir in all the political parties due to the announcement of farmers to contest the elections.

After the end of the agitation, on December 25, the farmers announced to contest the Punjab elections.

After the end of the agitation, on December 25, the farmers announced to contest the Punjab elections.

Farmers deep in Punjab

The economy of Punjab is based on agriculture. 75% of the population is directly or indirectly connected with agriculture. Talking about the people directly involved, this includes farmers, laborers working in their fields, traders who buy crops from them and traders of fertilizers and pesticides. All these people are directly related to each other through agriculture. The transport industry also joins with them. Traders and agencies who buy the crop from arhtiyas and supply them further are also associated with agriculture. In the next phase, the shopkeepers from the city to the village are also connected with the farmers. If the crop is good, then the farmer also spends. Many small businesses also keep running through this.

22 farmers organizations have declared Balbir Rajewal as CM face

22 farmers organizations have declared Balbir Rajewal as CM face

The biggest issue of agriculture farmers, the central and state governments are under question

At present, agriculture is the biggest issue of farmers in Punjab. He is claiming to make agriculture profitable in Punjab. Apart from this, farmers are also raising the issue of sand and liquor mafia in Punjab. Farmers say that both these things have been captured by traditional political parties.

At the same time, the central government is also under the scanner as the farmers’ agitation lasted for a year, in which about 700 farmers died. After that the agricultural laws were withdrawn but the legal guarantee committee on MSP has not yet been formed. Cases registered against farmers have also not been withdrawn yet. These issues will increase the troubles of BJP in Punjab.

Apart from this, the Congress government of Punjab is also on the target of farmers for loan waiver. In 2017, Captain Amarinder Singh had promised complete loan waiver as the Congress’s CM candidate. In which there was a promise to waive the loans of not only government banks but even the arhtiyas, but till now it has not been fulfilled. After the removal of the captain, Charanjit Channi, who became the CM, held two meetings with the farmers but till now the loan waiver has not happened. On the contrary, CM Channi demanded the Center to plan for it.

Farmer’s power in Punjab politics

There are 40 urban, 51 semi urban and 26 fully urban seats out of the total 117 assembly seats in Punjab. There are only 40 seats where the urban community has a large vote bank. The remaining 77 seats are dominated by rural or directly farmer vote banks. Here the vote of the farmer decides the victory or defeat. Punjab is divided into three parts namely Majha, Malwa and Doaba. There are 69 seats in Malwa, 25 in Majha and 23 in Doaba. The Malwa area with the highest number of seats is a stronghold of farmers. This area plays a decisive role in the elections of Punjab. Dalit votes are high in Doaba but Sikh vote bank is high in Majha. The farmers will also get the benefit of whose sympathy.

The effect of the entry of farmers on the political mathematics of political parties in Punjab.

Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal): The Akali Dal calls itself a Panthak party. Whose core vote bank is rural Sikh. If farmers are contesting elections, then Akali Dal’s vote bank will be divided in the villages. The Akali Dal is already surrounded by its support for the Agriculture Act. Later Harsimrat Badal resigned from the central government. Sukhbir Badal broke the alliance but the farmers could not accept him. After breaking ties with BJP, Akali Dal has to struggle in urban vote bank.

Congress : This is a big setback for the pair of party chief Navjot Sidhu and CM Charanjit Channi. Even before the Sikh face in the organization and government, the caste math of the party is disturbed. Congress does not have any strong face in the cities. The Congress was wooing the farmers first on the issue of agitation and then farmers memorial, loan waiver, compensation, but now everything has been snatched away.

AAP : Aam Aadmi Party’s base is also more in villages. Last time most of his 20 seats were from rural areas. If the farmers themselves are contesting elections, then it is a setback for them. However, if according to the discussion, they have an alliance with the farmers, then it will prove beneficial for you in rural areas.

BJP : The entry of farmers into politics is both harmful and beneficial for the BJP. The advantage is that the BJP will now openly say that the farmers were doing politics from the very beginning. This thing will be redeemed in the urban class. At the same time, farmers do not have much base in cities, in such a situation BJP can take advantage of it. The disadvantage is that the wounds of the peasant movement will remain green till the elections are held. Which will harm the party. This has come as a setback to the BJP, which is hoping for a little outreach in the villages.

In the midst of the agitation, the farmer leaders had sweetened the Captain's mouth for increasing the rate of sugarcane.

In the midst of the agitation, the farmer leaders had sweetened the Captain’s mouth for increasing the rate of sugarcane.

Capt Amarinder Singh: Former CM Captain Amarinder Singh, who formed the Punjab Lok Congress, has a good reputation in the villages as well as in the cities. Captain’s farmers have also been in discussion about good relations with the leaders. It was discussed that the farmers would benefit Capt. But now the farmers themselves are contesting the elections, so the Captain has got a setback. The captain will definitely be in advantage in the cities because there he is fighting with the BJP.

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