Farmer grinds spices in powerhouse, charges phone: He has been doing his domestic work for 10 months, reaches power office everyday

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  • Does His Domestic Work For 10 Months, Reaches Power Office Everyday

Shivamogga5 hours ago

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When the power supply started getting only 3-4 hours in a person’s house, he found such a way that even the government officials could not do anything for him. This may sound strange to you, but it actually happened. Every day, a farmer from Mangote village in Karnataka’s Shivamogga district reaches a power house to grind spices and charge his home phone.

Mangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (MESCOM) has an office near the house of M. Hanumanthappa. He has been grinding spices for his kitchen here for a long time and is also charging the phone.

The farmer comes to the power office to charge all the mobiles in his house.

The farmer comes to the power office to charge all the mobiles in his house.

Even the officials did not object

Hanmanthappa has been doing the same for the last 10 months. The officials of the Electricity Department have also never raised any objection for this. Hanumanthappa’s family gets electricity for only 3 to 4 hours a day. For the remaining 20 to 21 hours, they have to remain without electricity.

Hanumanthappa grinds spices after reaching the electricity office every day for his needs.

Hanumanthappa grinds spices after reaching the electricity office every day for his needs.

Requested many times for power supply

The farmer made several requests to Mescom that adequate electricity should be supplied to his house, but the matter is still pending. Even Hanmanthappa sought help from the MLA of the area but to no avail.
The farmer’s tone was bad for the officer

One day he called the Mescom officer and asked how we grind our spices and cook. In such a situation, the phone is also not able to charge. These are our basic needs. For these I will not disturb my neighbors everyday. On this the officer said to the farmer in a bad tone, ‘Then go to the Mescom office, grind the spices there.’ Hanumanthappa took this matter of the officer seriously. Did he know what to do now?

Electricity officer K said- Hanumanthappa may get temporary power supply from Mallapura Distribution Center.

Electricity officer K said- Hanumanthappa may get temporary power supply from Mallapura Distribution Center.

10 junior staff got notice

Mescom’s junior engineer Vishwanath said that the IP sets have got damaged due to heavy rains. The officer promised that he would get the electricity connection within a month.

Seeing Hanumanthappa going to and from the Mescom office, people made his photos, videos viral on social media. After this, about 10 junior staff got a notice about how a farmer was allowed to use the government office for his personal use.

However, Hanumanthappa has been stopped to visit the Mescom office. But, power supply is still not restored in his house.

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