Fake News Expose: India is the first country in the world to levy GST on school books? Know the truth of this claim

  • Hindi News
  • No fake news
  • India First Country In The World To Levy GST On School Books? Know The Truth Of This Claim

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What’s going viral A post is going viral on social media. It is being claimed that the government imposed GST on children’s books. Users wrote – India became the first country in the world to impose GST on children’s books. No country can even think of imposing GST on school books.

And what is the truth?

  • To know the truth of the viral post, we have contacted the official GST Council of the Government of India. Website Checked. Where we get the PDF of the list of all the goods that come under the purview of GST. file Got it.
  • The PDF file on the website states that children’s books, newspapers, drawing books are not subject to GST.
  • During the investigation, we also found a post related to this on the social media account of Press Information Bureau (PIB), Government of India.

  • PIB wrote – The claim being made in the viral post is fake. There is no tax on school books.
  • It is clear that the claim being made in the viral post on social media is completely false.

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