Facebook Posts, Ideology: Javed Mohammad’s Daughter Recounts Questions by Police

What Happened During Police Questioning?

Recounting Friday, 10 June – the day they were detained – Sumaiya said:

“He then went on his own scooty to the police station,” she added.

Hours later, the police came back to their house and took her and her mother for questioning. On being asked what ensued thereafter, Sumaiya said that they were asked questions about her father’s Facebook posts, what they talked about at home, and what their conversations about faith and ideology were.

“A male constable had also used foul language against my mother,” she added.

Sumaiya and her mother were released on Sunday morning.

Afreen Fatima had on Saturday claimed in a video for Maktoob Media that the Prayagraj Police had detained her father without a warrant or an official letter.

Fatima also added that the police came to her house again after midnight and detained her mother, who is a diabetic patient, and her 19-year-old sister.

Meanwhile, a group of lawyers, including Allahabad High Court Advocate KK Roy, on Sunday, moved the High Court, alleging “illegal demolition of the house of Parveen Fatima, wife of Javed Mohammad.”

They have claimed that the house that was demolishedin fact, belonged to Parveen (and not Javed) and have also elaborated on how, as per them, the demolition was illegal.

The Uttar Pradesh police, meanwhile, have claimed that they found “illegal weapons” in Mohammad’s house during the demolition.