Expert Advice On Male fertility: How To Maintain Sexual Wellness For Men In Their 30s

The most fertile age for men is known to be their 20s. This is when they have a high libido and a faster metabolism. Men experience sexual problems with age. These issues in men begin in their 30s. The causes behind it can be a sedentary lifestyle and stress. However, there can be a myriad of reasons for experiencing these problems, including biological causes.

Founder of the Institute of Andrology and Sexual Health (IASH), Dr Chirag Bhandari, talked about the sexual issues men face in their 30s in an interview with Hindustan Times.

According to Dr Bhandari, the most common sexual issues men face are the following:

Erectile dysfunction: A disorder that makes it difficult to maintain an erection during intercourse.
Premature Ejaculation: When men achieve orgasm and ejaculate earlier than their partner during intercourse.

Low testosterone levels: A disorder in which the testes do not generate adequate testosterone.
Low sperm count: Also known as oligozoospermia, in which men have less than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen.

Increased Changes of STD: A condition where men become more prone to contracting sexually transmitted diseases like Syphilis, Hepatitis and others.

Keeping these issues in mind, Dr Bhandari suggested some tips and practices that can help men maintain their sexual wellness in their 30s. Read on to find more:

Avoid Alcohol Or Limit Consumption
It is advisable to only consume one or two glasses of red wine every day. Excessive drinking has been linked to decreasing libido in men. It also has debilitating effects on the liver and intestines.

Maintain Testosterone Level
Low testosterone levels can lead to multiple health issues like decreased libido, hair loss, depression, and memory loss. Add fish, meat, cheese, and yoghurt to your regular diet. It is also advisable to visit a healthcare practitioner if the problem persists.

Seek Professional Help
Instead of considering sexual wellness as taboo, seek medical attention if you are facing any problems. Just like your overall well-being, this is also a situation where getting timely treatment is a must. Increase your awareness about sexual health and if you notice any symptoms do not hesitate to seek medical help.

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Keep An Eye On Your Sleep Cycle
The recommended 6 hours of sleep every night works wonders for your overall health. Not only is it optimal for brain health, but it can also help maintain sexual wellness. Catching some sleep can help with the production of testosterone and maintain stress levels and libido health. If that’s not enough encouragement already, getting proper sleep can reduce your risk of getting stroke and cardiovascular ailments.

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