Emergency landing of Redbird’s trainee aircraft in Karnataka: Technical glitch occurred, both pilots safe

Kalburgi (Gulbarga)4 minutes ago

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A trainee aircraft had to make an emergency landing on Sunday at Pethsirur village in Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) district of Karnataka.

Trainee aircraft of Redbird Flight Training Academy had to make an emergency landing in the field of Pethsirur village in Kalaburagi (Gulbarga), Karnataka on Sunday. The incident took place around 9.30 am. There was a technical problem in the aircraft. The flight had a pilot (instructor) and a trainee pilot on board. Both are safe. Kalaburagi Airport Director Chilka Mahesh went to the spot and conducted an investigation.

Company officials checking after landing in the field.

Company officials checking after landing in the field.

Landing done in the field, two people got minor injuries
Seeing the landing happening in the field, the people working there ran away due to which they got minor injuries. He was immediately rushed to the hospital.

Aircraft crashed in Karnataka on June 1 as well
On June 1, Surya Kiran aircraft crashed in Chamarajanagar, Karnataka. In this incident, both the pilots including the female pilot of the aircraft suffered minor injuries. This aircraft took off from the Air Force Station in Bangalore. For some reason he lost control of the plane and this accident happened. Both the pilots have suffered minor injuries in the incident. Court of Inquiry was ordered in this matter. Read full news…

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