Embrace Well-being And Joy: Your Guide To Healthy, Happy Holidays

By Vilasini Bhaskaran, Specialist dietitian NHS UK; Dietetic Lead, Practo India

The holidays are a time to indulge in festive feasts, but it’s important to do so in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty or overstuffed. Learn how to navigate the endless plates of food, desserts, and drinks with our helpful tips and enjoy the season without the unwanted consequences.

  • Set realistic expectations – It’s impossible to completely avoid treats. Instead, aim to eat them in moderation and balance with exercise.
  • It can be overwhelming to think about holidays when you’re focused on improving your health and lifestyle. To help keep you on track, try to maintain reminders of your health goals. Avoid becoming too strict with yourself by abstaining from food policing or calorie counting. Instead, keep an open mindset and allow yourself the flexibility to enjoy the festivities while still making choices that align with your health goals.
  • Approach buffets mindfully – do not approach buffets with dread and fear. Choose a small plate. Explore the options and choose what you like! Slow down, savour and stop when you are full or satisfied.
  • Look out for healthy swaps where possible – When attending or hosting a party, it’s important to make healthy food choices. Look out for options that are low in calories and high in nutrients. For instance, opt for vegetable dishes like sabzis and seasoned stir-fries, or try a lentil and vegetable concoction. Additionally, consider grilled foods over fried options. By making these simple swaps, you can enjoy delicious food while keeping your health in mind.
  • Limit carbohydrates – consider having vegetables and proteins first to avoid over-indulging in carbohydrates. Plate small amounts and eat slowly.
  • Include carbohydrate alternatives where possible – for example quinoa, bulgur wheat, nuts instead of croutons in soups, cauliflower pizza instead of regular pizza.
  • Try healthy snack options – roasted unsalted nuts, toasted pumpkin seeds, baked vegetable crisps, cucumber and carrot sticks with hummus.
  • Choose desserts mindfully, pick a small portion, use a fork instead of a spoon and eat slowly. 
  • Take sips of water frequently as a strategy to reduce space for foods.
  • Avoid sugary drinks such as juice, smoothies or milkshakes and consider diet drinks or sugar-free hot beverages.
  • Consider more exercise if you have frequent parties but try to politely restrict where possible.
  • Why not explore including trekking or hiking into your holiday calendar? This could be fun as a family. 
  • Alcohol – Limit alcohol as it induces craving resulting in over-eating or snacking in general. People with diabetes who use insulin or certain diabetes medications, such as sulfonylureas, are at higher risk for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Alcohol can worsen low blood sugar as it impairs the liver’s ability to release glucose into the bloodstream during a hypoglycemic episode. Consult your healthcare provider if you’re unsure about taking medications with alcohol. 
  • Types of drinks: – There’s no ‘best’ alcoholic drink for people with diabetes. If you’re going to drink, it’s good to be aware of all the facts so you can choose the types of drinks best for you:
  • Avoid low-sugar beers and cider (called diabetic drinks) – might have less sugar but could contain more alcohol. 
  • Avoid low-alcohol wines – these often have more sugar than normal ones. Limit to a glass or two. Try to limit drinks with a lot of sugar, such as sweet sherries, sweet wines and liqueurs.
  • When ordering drinks, clearly communicate your preference for diet or sugar-free mixers with any spirits.
  • Beers, ales, and ciders have carbs that increase blood sugar levels. Spirits, dry wines, and Prosecco have fewer carbs and are a better choice if you’re concerned about carbs.

Holidays and festivities are an integral part of our lives, and ignoring or neglecting such situations is impossible. However, it’s essential to learn to accept the challenges that come with them and try to work out possible alternatives or explore other options. Doing so will help you become more confident in sustaining your positive diet and lifestyle changes.