Election Year: Inflation Rising, Interest Rates Rising, Yet Growth Continues

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Times are changing. Interest rates are rising and governments say economic recovery is taking place. Inflation is rising and governments say development is happening. It is also visible. City-by-city metro train pits are lying dug. Somewhere the roads have been blocked. Somewhere sewage is running. But development is on its way. The economy is at its peak. The data is visible. If he is not visible then he is poor and his poverty.

When people see the sky of their parts, they see the whole sky. Because that whole belongs to everyone’s share. When people start seeing their part of the moon, they see the full moon. Because that whole is everyone’s share. But even today, with their share of hunger, not everyone is able to get complete rice. Rotis being prepared and being rolled out are visible in the market, but even this does not come in everyone’s share. Neither half Neither complete

Rotis being prepared and being rolled out are visible in the market, but even this does not come in everyone's share.  Neither half  Neither complete

Rotis being prepared and being rolled out are visible in the market, but even this does not come in everyone’s share. Neither half Neither complete

Actually, in this era of inflation, many of us are still the bulls of the crusher. The crusher which keeps on running for the whole life… and the bullock behind it. Years and months go round and round without counting. The bell on the neck keeps ringing. The seed keeps grinding. Oil keeps coming out. The whip falls when on the back. The skin peels off. That bull is so helpless. Lasts thousands of miles. Still the same there. Same place. This is what sorrow is.

Somebody’s oil Someone’s skin Only dry grass in his part. The crusher of the world is running just like that. Man has been plowed in the furrows by making an ox. Funny thing is that even the bull is happy that at least there is freedom to move! I am roaming

This is our compulsion. Even after voting, we want only this much, that just keep roaming around with fun. Those political parties, those politicians, and those governments formed by them, all of them want that the scope of our freedom should remain the same. Could not grow Because if our freedom expands, their freedom will start shrinking. … and they would never want that. Why even? There are such good people. There is also Janardan to say. Neither asks for much. Neither wants much.

Where else can you find a better environment than this to just rule! To say this year is an election year and the next year is a grand election. Elections are to be held in nine states and Lok Sabha elections next year. If you want to increase the scope of your freedom, then vote for the one who wants your freedom. Every way. Otherwise the crusher is always with us. Will be wearing shoes. Will keep going Will go on for months, years, curses. Will run Still right there. At the same place.

Political parties will always have whips in their hands and our skin is always there to be ripped off. No one sews him. No one even applies ointment on him. This is the custom of the world. This custom should be changed. This tradition should be broken. Otherwise, the economy will continue to improve like this. This is how haphazard development will continue. No one to stop. No one to interrupt.

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